I fall into that category of Americans who believe that me, myself, I am completely, totally responsible for my attitude and response to my life events and circumstances.
I am not alone in this - Ben Stein joins me, so does Doug Hall, Joyce Myer, Joel Osteen, Dr. Phil, and a myriad of other Americans. [How's that for name dropping?]
So, I am "sick and tired" of hearing the follow 2 words, which I have now come to consider anti-American explicitly because of their unashamed wide-spread proliferation upon our Society:
1. victim
2. abuse
Why do I bring this up now? This issue has been the focal point of the complaint of the personal-responsibility crowd since the multi-million dollar McDonald's hot cup of coffee protracted litigation.
But Now, we have a Presidential Election - a vote for the leader of our Country, and an opportunity to choose either the personal-responsibility view or the victim-mentality view.
And . . . what do I see/hear on the Chicago Tribune website . . . but a clip of Obama talking to a handful of folks, and mentioning IN ONE SENTENCE no less, BOTH words -
And, do you know what it was referencing?
Was it referencing the Iraqi citizens who were victims and suffered abuse under the terroristic hand of their de-throned former dictator Saddam Hussein? Nope.
Was it referencing the American soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan who may fall victim to the abuse and assault of the still-out-there Islamic terrorists whose only mission is to eliminate the Americans? Nope.
Was it the American public who are enticed to become victims of a Main Stream Media that distorts reality into meaningless yet instigating soundbites in an attempt to politically abuse the target of the day? Nope.
IT WAS the "abuse" of "unscrupulous" credit card and mortgage companies who were dumb enough to give people money when they promised to repay it, and which people now are "victims" of these high credit card rates of over 20% and high adjustable mortgage rates! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!
Those people individually unilaterally and of their own free will made charges to those credit cards.
They ASKED the mortgage companies to give them money to buy a house even though they could have continued renting and even though their credit scores were weak. And then when the mortgage companies said yes, those people signed almost 100 pages of documents saying that they knew the interest rate of the mortgage, knew the risks, were capable of repaying the mortgage, promised to repay the mortgage, and represented and certified that they were doing this of their own free will, voluntarily without coercion or duress.
NOOOOWWWWW, Obama wants to - first thing we do is to get more money into the pockets of these "victims" and also we crack down these unscrupulous lenders. Then, somehow, this will, he says, "help educate consumers." Oh really? Throwing money at people doesn't educate them, it encourages continued-intentional-victim-hood-ignorance.
This is the very reason why Obama will destroy this Great Country - just dump money onto people who cry victim and abuse and who refuse to accept any personal responsibility - it was his INSTANT IMMEDIATE reaction. He had not even a flinch of misgiving.
His campaign slogan must be "You are all victims who have been abused & we'll go get those meanies and put you on a federal-enablement program wherein we'll continue to enable you so much that you'll never want to leave and you'll never become self-sufficient or understand personal responsibility, but that's okay because then you'll be beholden to me and re-elect me and make me feel good about what I did for you."
Can you say The Grand Inquisitor Chapter of the Brothers Karamazov?
Scary. Scary. Scary.
I don't know about you but my vote is for personal responsibility and getting those who believe they are victims to exercise the personal responsibility muscle - it takes time and practice.
But, Gov. Mike Huckabee was able to do it in Arkansas - he reduced the Welfare rolls by 50% ----- 50% ----- that's huge!!!
And, you know, when someone shifts from victim-hood to personal-responsibility, oh so many other wonderful things fall into place for them, their family, their children, their children's school, their neighborhood, their community, and their State . . . and ultimately, the entire Country.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
Friday, January 18, 2008
Why Don't the Other 5 Support the Fair Tax?
Three reasons:
There's alot at stake - money, power, fame, leadership, ego, pride, status, endorsements, "the election."
When there's alot at stake, MOST people tend to take fewer risks.
Think about it this way, if I sat a 3-inch-wide beam on the floor right down the middle of your living room, you could probably walk across it just fine without too much fear, right?
BUT, if I put it so that it 40-stories up in the air, spans across a busy city, atop 2 tall 40-story-buildings, I'm thinking you'd be white with fear at the thought of walking across it, right? Why? Because there's alot (i.e. your life) at stake!
Maybe they're afraid of, oh, let's just pick a few:
1. fear that no one will believe them, and thus, losing the election
2. fear of "looking silly" and thus, losing the election
3. fear of not accomplishing the goal, and thus "looking stupid" and thus losing the re-election
4. fear of not convincing the rest of government (Congress, lobbyists, etc) of the importance and brilliance of the Fair Tax and thus, "looking stupid" and etc.
5. fear of being asked tough questions, and thus, losing the election
6. fear that the American people won't understand it, and thus losing the election
7. fear that the American people won't like it, and thus losing the election
8. fear that the American people will fear change in the status quo of "what they've always done", and thus losing the election
9. fear that it won't "sell" well, and thus losing the election
10. fear that it will be difficult to do, and thus failing
If you look at it from just a risk/reward analysis, I completely understand why the other 5 Republican candidates don't want to rock the boat about the IRS tax system.
So, here's the question,
Do you want a candidate of fear?
Do you want a candidate focused on his win?
Do you want a candidate who recoils from unpopular tough decisions?
[BTW, it's not as if any of the other 5 candidates have a different plan to overhaul the ridiculous counter-intuitive, counter-productive American tax system, and they're saying, "my new tax plan is better than the Fair Tax plan." The other 5 candidates just want to change some of the provisions (a.k.a. "tweak") the existing IRS tax system.]
Doug Hall, author of "Jump Start Your Brain," (an awesome book btw) and "Jump Start Your Business Brain," believes in the American Dream, and taking risks - he's a descendant of the Founding Fathers, and embraces personal freedom AND personal responsibility. If you want to read more about fear and courage in the face of the risks/rewards of life, read his book, "Making the Courage Connection."
I choose to live by conviction and courage, not fear. Sometimes I don't always hit the ideal mark, but that's the habit and pattern and goal of my daily living.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader who's made the same choice?
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
There's alot at stake - money, power, fame, leadership, ego, pride, status, endorsements, "the election."
When there's alot at stake, MOST people tend to take fewer risks.
Think about it this way, if I sat a 3-inch-wide beam on the floor right down the middle of your living room, you could probably walk across it just fine without too much fear, right?
BUT, if I put it so that it 40-stories up in the air, spans across a busy city, atop 2 tall 40-story-buildings, I'm thinking you'd be white with fear at the thought of walking across it, right? Why? Because there's alot (i.e. your life) at stake!
Maybe they're afraid of, oh, let's just pick a few:
1. fear that no one will believe them, and thus, losing the election
2. fear of "looking silly" and thus, losing the election
3. fear of not accomplishing the goal, and thus "looking stupid" and thus losing the re-election
4. fear of not convincing the rest of government (Congress, lobbyists, etc) of the importance and brilliance of the Fair Tax and thus, "looking stupid" and etc.
5. fear of being asked tough questions, and thus, losing the election
6. fear that the American people won't understand it, and thus losing the election
7. fear that the American people won't like it, and thus losing the election
8. fear that the American people will fear change in the status quo of "what they've always done", and thus losing the election
9. fear that it won't "sell" well, and thus losing the election
10. fear that it will be difficult to do, and thus failing
If you look at it from just a risk/reward analysis, I completely understand why the other 5 Republican candidates don't want to rock the boat about the IRS tax system.
So, here's the question,
Do you want a candidate of fear?
Or of informed optimism?
Do you want a candidate focused on his win?
Or on what's best for Americans?
Do you want a candidate who recoils from unpopular tough decisions?
Or who looks into the "Eye of the Tiger"?
[BTW, it's not as if any of the other 5 candidates have a different plan to overhaul the ridiculous counter-intuitive, counter-productive American tax system, and they're saying, "my new tax plan is better than the Fair Tax plan." The other 5 candidates just want to change some of the provisions (a.k.a. "tweak") the existing IRS tax system.]
Doug Hall, author of "Jump Start Your Brain," (an awesome book btw) and "Jump Start Your Business Brain," believes in the American Dream, and taking risks - he's a descendant of the Founding Fathers, and embraces personal freedom AND personal responsibility. If you want to read more about fear and courage in the face of the risks/rewards of life, read his book, "Making the Courage Connection."
I choose to live by conviction and courage, not fear. Sometimes I don't always hit the ideal mark, but that's the habit and pattern and goal of my daily living.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader who's made the same choice?
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Doug Hall,
fair tax,
Mike Huckabee,
presidential race,
Did You Know that Drug Dealers & Criminals are Tax Exempt?
It's true! You & I pay for the income taxes for drug dealers and other criminals. They essentially are TAX EXEMPT under the current income tax plan.
Why? Because, currently, Americans are taxed on income - that is, we're taxed on the FRUITS OF OUR PRODUCTIVITY. But, people forget 1 thing - we're taxed on the fruits of our productivity that are reported to the IRS.
So, I'm thinking that the drug dealers and other criminals are NOT reporting their revenues. Call me crazy, but that's my conclusion. So, if they are not reporting their income, then they are not paying taxes. If they are not paying taxes, then they are DEFACTO tax exempt.
Just thinking of the additional $$$ revenues into the federal government from drug dealers alone makes me do the happy dance!!!
Want to read more about the insanity (and other ills) of our current tax system, and why Fair Tax is important for our Country? Then go to FairTaxWarrior.com HERE.
Once again, I reiterate the 2 main reasons why I think the Fair Tax is the FUTURE for America:
1. It means that America is aligning its tax system with its core values of ingenuity and productivity (I've written about this idea many times below, GO HERE)
2. It means that EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN is responsible for his/her own choices of what he/she does with his/her money. Why is this important?
Because I, along with many many others are just disgusted by how this Great Country has fallen into the "blame game" and "entitlement" attitude (we of this ilk often refer to the "million dollar hot cup of coffee" as a symbol of how our entire culture has been completely infiltrated with "new value sytem" that we can avoid personal responsibility when we get either blame others - aka lawsuit - or we should be able to get it from others for free or from the government - aka entitlement).
We want a return to personal responsibility! And, the current American tax system undermines that very theory. Essentially it says, "We the government are taking part of your income, part of your productivity, part of everything that you CREATE. Keep creating, and we'll take more of your creation." It means, "You get to decide what to do with 60% of your income and productivity, we the government will decide what to do with 40% of your income and productivity."
Now, the government needs to be funded - it always has. But, under the Fair Tax Plan, the value system is re-cast to be in line with our traditional values of personal freedom and personal responsibility: So, then, the government says, "You the American people keep all of your income, all of your work product, all of your productivity, all of your ingenuity and creation. You, the American people decide - you the American people have 100% unilateral authority - over what you do with your money."
We are responsible for our choices too!
We get to:
1. Invest it
2. Give it
3. Spend the daylights out of it
And, we get to do it all by ourselves - without the government!!!
I want to remind people of what "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" author Robert Kiyosaki says. He reminds the middle and upper-middle class about these truths:
1. "Rich people" know that money makes more money, and they have money work for them rather than them working for money. [BTW, Kiyosaki's definition of rich, or independently wealthy, is when your monthly investment income exceeds your monthly expenses. Want to exercise your money muscle and find out what this really means? Get his CashFlow 101 game.]
2. "Rich people" know how to invest money BEFORE the government takes their share of taxes - thus enabling a huge amount of leverage on that pre-tax money
Kiyosaki described this last theory in his last PBS Special on the "Cashflow Quadrant" book. Get more info about Kiyosaki's teachings HERE at RichDad.com.
And, in case you're wondering, Kiyosaki doesn't want to keep the middle & upper-middle class "down." He's not an elitist. That's why he & Donald Trump wrote, "Why We Want You to Be RICH."
When you replace the current income tax system with the Fair Tax, then you can completely utilize ALL of your money to have your money working for YOU to make you more money - just like "rich people" do - so that you can yet off the "Rat Race" on onto the "Fast Track" of independent wealth sooner!
Mike Huckabee is the ONLY ONLY ONLY Presidential candidate who WANTS the FAIR TAX.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Why? Because, currently, Americans are taxed on income - that is, we're taxed on the FRUITS OF OUR PRODUCTIVITY. But, people forget 1 thing - we're taxed on the fruits of our productivity that are reported to the IRS.
So, I'm thinking that the drug dealers and other criminals are NOT reporting their revenues. Call me crazy, but that's my conclusion. So, if they are not reporting their income, then they are not paying taxes. If they are not paying taxes, then they are DEFACTO tax exempt.
Just thinking of the additional $$$ revenues into the federal government from drug dealers alone makes me do the happy dance!!!
Want to read more about the insanity (and other ills) of our current tax system, and why Fair Tax is important for our Country? Then go to FairTaxWarrior.com HERE.
Once again, I reiterate the 2 main reasons why I think the Fair Tax is the FUTURE for America:
1. It means that America is aligning its tax system with its core values of ingenuity and productivity (I've written about this idea many times below, GO HERE)
2. It means that EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN is responsible for his/her own choices of what he/she does with his/her money. Why is this important?
Because I, along with many many others are just disgusted by how this Great Country has fallen into the "blame game" and "entitlement" attitude (we of this ilk often refer to the "million dollar hot cup of coffee" as a symbol of how our entire culture has been completely infiltrated with "new value sytem" that we can avoid personal responsibility when we get either blame others - aka lawsuit - or we should be able to get it from others for free or from the government - aka entitlement).
We want a return to personal responsibility! And, the current American tax system undermines that very theory. Essentially it says, "We the government are taking part of your income, part of your productivity, part of everything that you CREATE. Keep creating, and we'll take more of your creation." It means, "You get to decide what to do with 60% of your income and productivity, we the government will decide what to do with 40% of your income and productivity."
Now, the government needs to be funded - it always has. But, under the Fair Tax Plan, the value system is re-cast to be in line with our traditional values of personal freedom and personal responsibility: So, then, the government says, "You the American people keep all of your income, all of your work product, all of your productivity, all of your ingenuity and creation. You, the American people decide - you the American people have 100% unilateral authority - over what you do with your money."
We are responsible for our choices too!
We get to:
1. Invest it
2. Give it
3. Spend the daylights out of it
And, we get to do it all by ourselves - without the government!!!
I want to remind people of what "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" author Robert Kiyosaki says. He reminds the middle and upper-middle class about these truths:
1. "Rich people" know that money makes more money, and they have money work for them rather than them working for money. [BTW, Kiyosaki's definition of rich, or independently wealthy, is when your monthly investment income exceeds your monthly expenses. Want to exercise your money muscle and find out what this really means? Get his CashFlow 101 game.]
2. "Rich people" know how to invest money BEFORE the government takes their share of taxes - thus enabling a huge amount of leverage on that pre-tax money
Kiyosaki described this last theory in his last PBS Special on the "Cashflow Quadrant" book. Get more info about Kiyosaki's teachings HERE at RichDad.com.
And, in case you're wondering, Kiyosaki doesn't want to keep the middle & upper-middle class "down." He's not an elitist. That's why he & Donald Trump wrote, "Why We Want You to Be RICH."
When you replace the current income tax system with the Fair Tax, then you can completely utilize ALL of your money to have your money working for YOU to make you more money - just like "rich people" do - so that you can yet off the "Rat Race" on onto the "Fast Track" of independent wealth sooner!
Mike Huckabee is the ONLY ONLY ONLY Presidential candidate who WANTS the FAIR TAX.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Mike Huckabee,
personal responsibility,
rich dad,
How Much More Money will YOU have with the Fair Tax Plan?
Under the Fair Tax Plan, taxes will be paid on what you buy, rather than what you make - or produce - thereby keeping the incentives of ingenuity and production that made this Country great (I wonder if Ben Franklin would have been as bold and adventuresome and inventive if he had all of the taxes and regulations.)
Even though there will be sales tax (because after all, the government does need to run - we still need roads, schools, defense, laws - we don't need BIG government, just a small government running well), the difference between what you pay now and what you'd pay then might just surprise you!
Want to know how much more money you'll have to:
1. Invest
2. Give
3. Live on
4. Spend with reckless abandon
Then go to FairTax.org's Fair Tax Calculator HERE.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Even though there will be sales tax (because after all, the government does need to run - we still need roads, schools, defense, laws - we don't need BIG government, just a small government running well), the difference between what you pay now and what you'd pay then might just surprise you!
Want to know how much more money you'll have to:
1. Invest
2. Give
3. Live on
4. Spend with reckless abandon
Then go to FairTax.org's Fair Tax Calculator HERE.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
fair tax,
Mike Huckabee,
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Momentum for Huckabee
We founded Huckabee Momentum to see how quickly we can find 10,000 people willing to donate a mere $25 to the Mike Huckabee campaign. The best part is you only have to keep your pledge if we reach ten thousand people. Please sign up just to see if we can make it!
Remember, twenty five dollars is not that much...
Pair of shoes: $60.00
Monthly cable: $50.00
Dinner for two: $40.00
Huckabee $25.00
It only takes two clicks, a few keystrokes, and a couple seconds to be a part of making a real difference in this campaign.
All contributions will be made through the Huckabee campaign website.
Money given to political campaigns is not tax exempt.
I've made my pledge - make your pledge now -
GO TO HuckabeeMomentum.com NOW!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
We founded Huckabee Momentum to see how quickly we can find 10,000 people willing to donate a mere $25 to the Mike Huckabee campaign. The best part is you only have to keep your pledge if we reach ten thousand people. Please sign up just to see if we can make it!
Remember, twenty five dollars is not that much...
Pair of shoes: $60.00
Monthly cable: $50.00
Dinner for two: $40.00
Huckabee $25.00
It only takes two clicks, a few keystrokes, and a couple seconds to be a part of making a real difference in this campaign.
All contributions will be made through the Huckabee campaign website.
Money given to political campaigns is not tax exempt.
I've made my pledge - make your pledge now -
GO TO HuckabeeMomentum.com NOW!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
Chuck Norris endorses Mike Huckabee for President 2008
Made in 2007:
According to Internet Movie DataBase.com, Chuck Norris said:
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
According to Internet Movie DataBase.com, Chuck Norris said:
"Any GOP candidate can be dissected to a point that he is railed for having liberal tendencies. Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has waffled enough around his pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-gun control views to recruit many Democratic supporters. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has flip-flopped so many times on issues of abortion, immigration and gay rights to make one wonder for what party he's running. Texas Representative Ron Paul's bent toward being an isolationist who wants to bring home every one of our 572,000 troops abroad makes the anti-terror, pro-military hairs on the back of my neck stand. Though Senator John McCain of Arizona is a friend and a true, decorated hero who I personally think would make an excellent vice president for Mike, he opposed the Bush tax cuts and co-authored legislation for comprehensive immigration reform that some believe jeopardizes national security and American sovereignty. And while former Tennessee Senator Fred Dalton Thompson is also a friend, his record of consistently voting against tort reform, opposing the impeachment of Bill Clinton on perjury, supporting opponents of Ronald Reagan (Gerald Ford and James Baker III) in 1976 and 1980, and failing to support federal constitutional amendments that would ban abortion and gay marriage doesn't exactly make him "the only true conservative." To be fair, even if Reagan himself were running today, he likely couldn't dodge liberal labeling, especially for his signing of the Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986, which granted amnesty to aliens who resided in the U.S. since before 1982."
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Zig Ziglar endorses Mike Huckabee for President 2008
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
presidential race,
Zig Ziglar
Real-Life CEOs Speak - Breaking News Wed Jan 16, 08
This is truly a landmark election! Real business leaders from Arkansas have spoken - and their message to the American People is that the slander & spin campaigns against Huckabee & questioning his conservative economic economic policies is just well, "shallow rhetoric" (a.k.a. hogwash)!
News Release: Arkansas Businessmen Release Statement Supporting Former Governor and Presidential Candidate, Mike Huckabee
January 16, 2008
Columbia, SC - Today, the following businessmen from Arkansas released a statement in support of former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee: Scott T. Ford, President and CEO, Alltel Corporation; Warren A. Stephens, President and CEO, Stephens Inc.; Madison Murphy, Former Chairman, Murphy Oil Corporation; John Tyson, Chairman of the Board, Tyson Foods, Inc; and French Hill, Chairman and CEO, Delta Trust and Banking Corporation:
[Someone get Fred, Mitt, Rush, & Hannity some oxygen . . . ]
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
News Release: Arkansas Businessmen Release Statement Supporting Former Governor and Presidential Candidate, Mike Huckabee
January 16, 2008
Columbia, SC - Today, the following businessmen from Arkansas released a statement in support of former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee: Scott T. Ford, President and CEO, Alltel Corporation; Warren A. Stephens, President and CEO, Stephens Inc.; Madison Murphy, Former Chairman, Murphy Oil Corporation; John Tyson, Chairman of the Board, Tyson Foods, Inc; and French Hill, Chairman and CEO, Delta Trust and Banking Corporation:
"We are a traditionally bi-partisan group of executives of several of the largest corporations headquartered in the State of Arkansas, each with considerable exposure to the Administration of Governor Mike Huckabee. Of late, Governor Huckabee has attracted what we believe to be unwarranted criticism regarding his business record."
"Our experience with Governor Huckabee indicates that he not only values greatly the freedoms of religion and liberty, but of the free market as well. He is an atypical leader who garnered the respect of not only the professional business community but of the working men and women across our State as well."
"When he became our Governor, he inherited our long sub-standard education system, infrastructure, and regulatory climate. Under his leadership, we were able to grow our businesses, increase our employment, reduce our litigation exposure and enjoy, along with all of our fellow Arkansans, a healthier economy, improved schools, updated highways, and new healthcare delivery facilities."
"In our support of Governor Huckabee's truly conservative, small government business outlook and his pragmatic, yet compassionate style of governing, we invite you to look past the shallow rhetoric of yet another campaign season to see what we have experienced first hand - that with the right political leadership in place, businesses and citizens can jointly prosper and as they do, they contribute so much more to the economic and societal fabric of a community than simply tax revenues."
[Someone get Fred, Mitt, Rush, & Hannity some oxygen . . . ]
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Remember the 1980 laughter? (and I mean from Republicans & Dems alike)
Remember in 1980 when everyone laughed at a Hollywood actor becoming President of the United States - "as if that will happen" they thought.
Remember when everyone laughed at the idea of Reagan's "trickle-down theory" of economics.
Remember years later when everyone said, "Thank God for Reagan - without him, the 1970's recession would have continued for another decade, without him, our economy wouldn't have enjoyed the tremendous success it had, without him, the USSR and the Berlin Wall would not have crumbled."
I'm sort of glad everyone's laughing now. :)
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Remember when everyone laughed at the idea of Reagan's "trickle-down theory" of economics.
Remember years later when everyone said, "Thank God for Reagan - without him, the 1970's recession would have continued for another decade, without him, our economy wouldn't have enjoyed the tremendous success it had, without him, the USSR and the Berlin Wall would not have crumbled."
I'm sort of glad everyone's laughing now. :)
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
In 2004 McCain's people "approached" Kerry to be running mate (or was it other way around)
From NY Sun Politics "The Objective Standard for People of Reason"
John Kerry: McCain's 'people ... approached me' in 2004
Posted by Ryan Sager
Tue, 3 Apr 2007 at 12:55 PM
updated 12:58 PM
In an interview with Jonathan Singer of the liberal blog MyDD.com, Senator Kerry of Massachusetts says that Senator McCain of Arizona, or at least his staff, approached him about becoming his running mate in 2004.
This would be (seemingly) the reverse of the story that's been out for a long time that Mr. Kerry reached out to Mr. McCain. (This Washington Post story from 2004 gives the conventional account.)
Asked his thoughts on the recent Hill story about McCain's having considered switching parties back in 2001 (McCain's camp disputes it), Mr. Kerry said: "It doesn't surprise me completely because his people similarly approached me to engage in a discussion about his potentially being on the ticket as Vice President. So his people were active -- let's put it that way."
As I've noted below, I won't be voting for McCain on Super Tuesday because of little things like, gang of 14, refusal to vote for tax cuts, and similar stunts. Rick Santorum has a great interview talking about the difficult hurdle that McCain constantly posed to the Republicans.
However, anyone who's THINKING of voting for McCain on Super Tuesday should know that along with him, you just might get a Democrat a VP. Not that VP's do anything, so again, it would just be a slap in the face to the Republican conservatives who would have voted for him.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
John Kerry: McCain's 'people ... approached me' in 2004
Posted by Ryan Sager
Tue, 3 Apr 2007 at 12:55 PM
updated 12:58 PM
In an interview with Jonathan Singer of the liberal blog MyDD.com, Senator Kerry of Massachusetts says that Senator McCain of Arizona, or at least his staff, approached him about becoming his running mate in 2004.
This would be (seemingly) the reverse of the story that's been out for a long time that Mr. Kerry reached out to Mr. McCain. (This Washington Post story from 2004 gives the conventional account.)
Asked his thoughts on the recent Hill story about McCain's having considered switching parties back in 2001 (McCain's camp disputes it), Mr. Kerry said: "It doesn't surprise me completely because his people similarly approached me to engage in a discussion about his potentially being on the ticket as Vice President. So his people were active -- let's put it that way."
As I've noted below, I won't be voting for McCain on Super Tuesday because of little things like, gang of 14, refusal to vote for tax cuts, and similar stunts. Rick Santorum has a great interview talking about the difficult hurdle that McCain constantly posed to the Republicans.
However, anyone who's THINKING of voting for McCain on Super Tuesday should know that along with him, you just might get a Democrat a VP. Not that VP's do anything, so again, it would just be a slap in the face to the Republican conservatives who would have voted for him.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Mike Huckabee responds to the Conservative Media & discusses MI, SC & issues
Here's Mike Huckabee's appearance on Hannity & Colmes on FoxNews on Tuesday night, January 15, 2008.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Fred Thompson,
Mike Huckabee,
South Carolina
South Carolina
If you live in South Carolina & want to help, go HERE for ways you can get involved in America's greatest legacy - the democratic process!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
South Carolina
Rasmussen Poll - Mike Huckabee leads the field!
Get all of the Daily National Rasmussen Poll Stats HERE.
For today, Wednesday, January 16, 2008, here's the Republican line up:
Huckabee 23%
McCain 22%
Romney 15%
Guiliani 12%
Thompson 11%
Paul 2%
From the Rasmussen poll site:
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
For today, Wednesday, January 16, 2008, here's the Republican line up:
Huckabee 23%
McCain 22%
Romney 15%
Guiliani 12%
Thompson 11%
Paul 2%
From the Rasmussen poll site:
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mike Huckabee on top. . . .
Daily tracking results are collected via nightly telephone surveys and reported on a four-day rolling average basis. The overwhelming majority of interviews for today’s update were conducted before results of the Michigan Primary were known. The next update is scheduled for Thursday at 11:00 a.m.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
To All New Jersey-ans - Remember!
This post is especially for those who live in New Jersey.
Do you remember the last time that a millionaire who had supposedly extraordinary "business experience" and promised to do wonderful things with the New Jersey economy, used his personal fortune to fund - and basically out-spend - his competitors to win the title NJ Governor? You got it - Corzine. And what a disaster!
Now, I'm not saying that Mitt Romney will be the same disaster for America. They are truly 2 completely different people. Except that, they are/did both personally bank-roll their campaigns. Just fair warning to those who live in New Jersey.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Do you remember the last time that a millionaire who had supposedly extraordinary "business experience" and promised to do wonderful things with the New Jersey economy, used his personal fortune to fund - and basically out-spend - his competitors to win the title NJ Governor? You got it - Corzine. And what a disaster!
Now, I'm not saying that Mitt Romney will be the same disaster for America. They are truly 2 completely different people. Except that, they are/did both personally bank-roll their campaigns. Just fair warning to those who live in New Jersey.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
New Jersey,
presidential race,
NJ Huckabee Campaign HQ
The NJ Mike Huckabee Campaign HQ website is HERE.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
nj campaign hq,
presidential race,
When is YOUR State Primary?
Find out here at: Vote-smart.org
Never voted in a Primary before? Neither have I - until this coming February 5, 2008when I will be registering with a party - the Republican Party - for the first time in my life - and I will be voting for Mike Huckabee (see why by reading posts below).
In NJ, as long as you're already registered to vote, and you're not already registered with a party, you can just show up on February 5th & register as a Republican (or with that other party) - and then VOTE in the Primary too!
More NJ FAQ Election Questions Answered Here @ NJ's Official Election Site.
Find out about your state HERE at Vote-Smart.
Why is this February 5th "Super Tuesday" Primary sooooo important - and "different than all other nights" I mean Primary in past Presidential election years - because the Republican field is soooo wide open this year.
Soooooo, if you would like to vote for someone in the Republican list of Candidates in November 2008, you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO VOTE for them on Super Tuesday, FEBRUARY 5TH, 2008 - or else, you'll be pulling the lever in November for your next-best-choice - and, who wants to do that???
Of course, I'm hoping you'll:
1. Watchthe Detroit Economic Club speech given by Mike Huckabee(see posts never the end of this page - 5 YouTube.com screens)
2. Read about the END OF TAX ON OUR PRODUCTIVITY AND INGENUITY - a.k.a. FairTax (see more about what I think about the FairTax below) - get details at Mike Huckabee's site HERE
3. Read about the rest of the issues @ Mike Huckabee's site HERE
4. Decide that Mike is the best candidate - even if he's not a clone of you & all of your beliefs/opinions - at least that he's the best of the pool - to lead our Great Country for the next 4 years
5. Decide to Vote on Super Tuesday February 5th in the Republican Primary (and, if you're not already a registered Republican, that you'll decide to Register, and then vote for Mike)
6. VOTE on Feb 5th
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Never voted in a Primary before? Neither have I - until this coming February 5, 2008when I will be registering with a party - the Republican Party - for the first time in my life - and I will be voting for Mike Huckabee (see why by reading posts below).
In NJ, as long as you're already registered to vote, and you're not already registered with a party, you can just show up on February 5th & register as a Republican (or with that other party) - and then VOTE in the Primary too!
More NJ FAQ Election Questions Answered Here @ NJ's Official Election Site.
Find out about your state HERE at Vote-Smart.
Why is this February 5th "Super Tuesday" Primary sooooo important - and "different than all other nights" I mean Primary in past Presidential election years - because the Republican field is soooo wide open this year.
Soooooo, if you would like to vote for someone in the Republican list of Candidates in November 2008, you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO VOTE for them on Super Tuesday, FEBRUARY 5TH, 2008 - or else, you'll be pulling the lever in November for your next-best-choice - and, who wants to do that???
Of course, I'm hoping you'll:
1. Watchthe Detroit Economic Club speech given by Mike Huckabee(see posts never the end of this page - 5 YouTube.com screens)
2. Read about the END OF TAX ON OUR PRODUCTIVITY AND INGENUITY - a.k.a. FairTax (see more about what I think about the FairTax below) - get details at Mike Huckabee's site HERE
3. Read about the rest of the issues @ Mike Huckabee's site HERE
4. Decide that Mike is the best candidate - even if he's not a clone of you & all of your beliefs/opinions - at least that he's the best of the pool - to lead our Great Country for the next 4 years
5. Decide to Vote on Super Tuesday February 5th in the Republican Primary (and, if you're not already a registered Republican, that you'll decide to Register, and then vote for Mike)
6. VOTE on Feb 5th
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Get Official Mike Huckabee for President 2008 Merchandise Here
Get your lawn signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc. HERE:
The Official Huckabee Store on CafePress
Of course, while you're on CafePress.com, you can find alot of other great designs on t-shirts, posters, etc. created by Huckabee supporters.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
The Official Huckabee Store on CafePress
Of course, while you're on CafePress.com, you can find alot of other great designs on t-shirts, posters, etc. created by Huckabee supporters.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Law of Attraction in a Democracy
Democracies require action.
But, if you believe in the principles of the Law of Attraction (which I do - and I happen to think that it's not in anyway in conflict with my Christianity - it's just a way of describing it differently), or tapping into the Divine Source (regardless of what you label the Source), you also know that the best action is prefaced with:
1. A prayer for direction
2. Listening for the answer
3. Embracing and keeping focused on the manifestation of the answer
So, as an American, if you follow the principles of the Law of Attraction, I ask you to consider doing the following:
1. Pray or ask for an answer or direction from Source of who the best person is to lead America and the Free World
2. Meditate and listen for the answer
3. Embrace and act on that answer - vote on your state's primary day - and, affirm it every day before and after your primary day
Do this even if the answer that you receive from Source is not the same as my answer - at least then we will all know that we are acting and participating in this Great Republic from our Highest, Best Level
Many people believe in a myth that there exists a dichotomy in America between the "Enlightened" and the "Traditional (aka conservative)." It's reasonable that they believe that - because that's what the HUGE MASS MEDIA feeds us every day all day long. There really is no dichotomy. Enlightenment doesn't belong to a religion or a political party or a country. But, we can apply it to our greatest duty of American citizenship - our vote.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
But, if you believe in the principles of the Law of Attraction (which I do - and I happen to think that it's not in anyway in conflict with my Christianity - it's just a way of describing it differently), or tapping into the Divine Source (regardless of what you label the Source), you also know that the best action is prefaced with:
1. A prayer for direction
2. Listening for the answer
3. Embracing and keeping focused on the manifestation of the answer
So, as an American, if you follow the principles of the Law of Attraction, I ask you to consider doing the following:
1. Pray or ask for an answer or direction from Source of who the best person is to lead America and the Free World
2. Meditate and listen for the answer
3. Embrace and act on that answer - vote on your state's primary day - and, affirm it every day before and after your primary day
Do this even if the answer that you receive from Source is not the same as my answer - at least then we will all know that we are acting and participating in this Great Republic from our Highest, Best Level
Many people believe in a myth that there exists a dichotomy in America between the "Enlightened" and the "Traditional (aka conservative)." It's reasonable that they believe that - because that's what the HUGE MASS MEDIA feeds us every day all day long. There really is no dichotomy. Enlightenment doesn't belong to a religion or a political party or a country. But, we can apply it to our greatest duty of American citizenship - our vote.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
America the Beautiful
Consider these lyrics from the 3rd verse of "America the Beautiful" and ask yourself which candidate(s) would make similar sacrifices for our Country:
And, from that same verse, this line perfectly describes my belief in success, wealth, happiness, and helping others:
And, I'm voting for Mike Huckabee because I think he, alone among the choices from both parties, believes the same thing!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Oh beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife.
Who, more than self, their Country loved, and Mercy more than Life!
And, from that same verse, this line perfectly describes my belief in success, wealth, happiness, and helping others:
Till all Success be Nobleness and every Gain Divine!
And, I'm voting for Mike Huckabee because I think he, alone among the choices from both parties, believes the same thing!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Is it just me or is there something about Mitt that just seems off?
First, he came across to me that he was stilted. But, I knew there was more, I just couldn't put my fin ger on it. Then, it started to come to me -
He's full of himself!
He's not bad, he's not hurtful, he's not out to stab people in the back (as that other full-of-herself candidate is), and he does help people, and he does want to do things that help other people, it's just that,
He cares more about his ego than his voters.
I can relate to this - because I'm alot like that! So, in the words of a former Supreme Court Justice, "I know it when I see it." I'm a bookworm by nature and have always been challenged by social interactions the way most people struggle with calculus. It's not that I don't care about people - I DO, and deeply - but I am challenged by thinking of my status and stature so often, as in "How did what I just said impress someone?" "Do they think I'm important?" Many lawyers have this trait - it's why we gravitate to the insane world of lawyerdom.
And, it's probably why Mike Huckabee comes across so differently - maybe it's because he's NOT a lawyer, because he doesn't have that lawyer gene that says, "How did I look? Did I impress them?"
I'll give you another example of this. Mitt likes to tell this story (which is in his recent speech in Detroit - I cut & pasted it from his campaign's website's transcript of the speech):
Now, I can absolutely tell you without a doubt that if I ran for President, that's EXACTLY what I would say to my husband (Chuck)!!! And, there's nothing wrong with that - but it IS about trying to be impressed with yourself, or being impressed with thinking about how many people you're influencing.
Now, if my husband ran for President, it would never occur to him to ask that, impressing people is just not on his radar - making real-life authentic connections, faults and all, with people is what really makes him feel good.
So, you can see now 1 other reason why I like Mike Huckabee for President - it's sort of like getting the "Best of Both Worlds" (to borrow a phrase from my 6 year old daughter's favorite pop star, Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus).
Anyway, if you're considering Mitt Romney, I'm not saying he's a bad guy or inherently flawed by this trait or anything - I'm just labeling a "gut feeling" - OR maybe you've had that same gut feeling about him too, and now you know why.
As to the issues, here's a great video about Mitt Romney's stance on the issues, vis-a-vis campaign-trail versus in-office:
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
He's full of himself!
He's not bad, he's not hurtful, he's not out to stab people in the back (as that other full-of-herself candidate is), and he does help people, and he does want to do things that help other people, it's just that,
He cares more about his ego than his voters.
I can relate to this - because I'm alot like that! So, in the words of a former Supreme Court Justice, "I know it when I see it." I'm a bookworm by nature and have always been challenged by social interactions the way most people struggle with calculus. It's not that I don't care about people - I DO, and deeply - but I am challenged by thinking of my status and stature so often, as in "How did what I just said impress someone?" "Do they think I'm important?" Many lawyers have this trait - it's why we gravitate to the insane world of lawyerdom.
And, it's probably why Mike Huckabee comes across so differently - maybe it's because he's NOT a lawyer, because he doesn't have that lawyer gene that says, "How did I look? Did I impress them?"
I'll give you another example of this. Mitt likes to tell this story (which is in his recent speech in Detroit - I cut & pasted it from his campaign's website's transcript of the speech):
I said to her after we made the decision to get into this race, and you've probably heard it before, I said, 'Ann, in your wildest dreams did you see me running for President of the United States?'
Now, I can absolutely tell you without a doubt that if I ran for President, that's EXACTLY what I would say to my husband (Chuck)!!! And, there's nothing wrong with that - but it IS about trying to be impressed with yourself, or being impressed with thinking about how many people you're influencing.
Now, if my husband ran for President, it would never occur to him to ask that, impressing people is just not on his radar - making real-life authentic connections, faults and all, with people is what really makes him feel good.
So, you can see now 1 other reason why I like Mike Huckabee for President - it's sort of like getting the "Best of Both Worlds" (to borrow a phrase from my 6 year old daughter's favorite pop star, Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus).
Anyway, if you're considering Mitt Romney, I'm not saying he's a bad guy or inherently flawed by this trait or anything - I'm just labeling a "gut feeling" - OR maybe you've had that same gut feeling about him too, and now you know why.
As to the issues, here's a great video about Mitt Romney's stance on the issues, vis-a-vis campaign-trail versus in-office:
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Monday, January 14, 2008
My Courage v. The Founding Fathers' Courage
I was going to save this until July 4th - Independence Day. I was going to talk about the sacrifice & struggle & loss (family, money, life) that the Signers of the Declaration of Independence endured to create this great Country.
But now, I must comment due to a recent event.
I, as I am sure many of you, have been told, not to talk about politics when meeting business people. You know, like you're at lunch with a potential client, and you know it's dangerous to start out with trying to have a "friendly" discussion about politics, religion, or even, your favorite baseball team.
But, because I let people (who I already have personal and business relationships with) know who I'm voting for in the upcoming election, I'm getting flak for "mixing" politics with business - and I'll give you one guess at to which party he/she is affiliated with.
Now, I ask you, how courageous of an American would I be if I shirked away from this simple act of sending an e-mail because it might offend someone or because it was "bad for business?"
Would I really be truly appreciating - and being grateful for - the Freedoms I enjoy because of the sacrifice of the Founding Fathers, the Civil War casualties, the 20th Century war veterans and soldiers - if I didn't even have the courage to press "Send" to those I know (my family, friends, and colleagues)? They sacrificed a little bit more than an offended business colleague.
[And btw, how about those laws about doing business with people of all race, color or creed - doesn't that apply to all party affiliations too?]
We're not even talking about me canvassing door to door, or making phone calls, or waving signs, etc., which would require a little more effort and risk.
What kind of America is it when someone gets offended because you told them who you support in an election year?
It's seems to me that "tolerance" and "freedom" has a very odd definition in this Country today, and I'm ready for it to be a 2-way street.
I'm not supposed to express my views by trying to make it fit into your views. And, neither are you.
The problem is in America today that certain religions and political party affiliations are "allowed" to be open, vocal, and even in-your-face about their beliefs, and if you even blink, never mind disagree, you're instantly labeled "intolerant." But, then the double standard kicks in, and if you're of a certain religion (Christian), or in favor of a certain political party (Republican), or even of a certain gender (male), then when you speak of your faith, politics or needs, you are to be silenced because you are offensive.
When I state my beliefs I'm talking about ME not THE PERSON I'M TALKING TO. So, if I'm not talking about THE OTHER PERSON, and THE OTHER PERSON chooseS to be offended, then that's THE OTHER PERSON'S problem.
I refuse to be silenced. How 'bout you?
To translate this into the political arena:
I think that's part of why I like Mike - he refuses to conform to the cowardice and apologetic attitude that those of the "acceptably vocal" party/faiths would like him to do.
I don't care whether he's of the same faith as you or not, you have to respect the fact that he insists on an EQUAL 2-way street, and that, in the face of fierce political storms, and at great risk to his wealth and status, he insists on not silencing his views and beliefs just to ensure that someone else doesn't get offended. That's what he's supposed to do - that's why he's running to be the next President of the United States.
I think this episode with one of those intolerant Democrats -
(Oh btw, that Democrat was initially offended by my even stating that I was voting for the "other" party - but he/she finally got reconciled to the idea of my expressing an opinion because he/she justified it by saying that I had a burning passion that couldn't be quelched. So, what if it was just a passing fancy, should I have then been silent under those rules? And, after 3 sentences, he/she finally convinced him/herself that my stating my view on candidates was okay because as he/she put it, "after all this is America.")
- has ignited a burning passion in me to just get "crazy" and do what some other supporters do and say, put a sign on my lawn, put a sticker on my car, y'know get really wild! I guess telling strangers who you support is, under the "rules" not as offensive as telling your friends and colleagues.
I refuse to be silenced. How 'bout you?
I'm ready for America's pendulum to swing a little more to center, where one party doesn't have a monopoly on freedom of speech and marches on Washington!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
But now, I must comment due to a recent event.
I, as I am sure many of you, have been told, not to talk about politics when meeting business people. You know, like you're at lunch with a potential client, and you know it's dangerous to start out with trying to have a "friendly" discussion about politics, religion, or even, your favorite baseball team.
But, because I let people (who I already have personal and business relationships with) know who I'm voting for in the upcoming election, I'm getting flak for "mixing" politics with business - and I'll give you one guess at to which party he/she is affiliated with.
Now, I ask you, how courageous of an American would I be if I shirked away from this simple act of sending an e-mail because it might offend someone or because it was "bad for business?"
Would I really be truly appreciating - and being grateful for - the Freedoms I enjoy because of the sacrifice of the Founding Fathers, the Civil War casualties, the 20th Century war veterans and soldiers - if I didn't even have the courage to press "Send" to those I know (my family, friends, and colleagues)? They sacrificed a little bit more than an offended business colleague.
[And btw, how about those laws about doing business with people of all race, color or creed - doesn't that apply to all party affiliations too?]
We're not even talking about me canvassing door to door, or making phone calls, or waving signs, etc., which would require a little more effort and risk.
What kind of America is it when someone gets offended because you told them who you support in an election year?
It's seems to me that "tolerance" and "freedom" has a very odd definition in this Country today, and I'm ready for it to be a 2-way street.
I'm not supposed to express my views by trying to make it fit into your views. And, neither are you.
The problem is in America today that certain religions and political party affiliations are "allowed" to be open, vocal, and even in-your-face about their beliefs, and if you even blink, never mind disagree, you're instantly labeled "intolerant." But, then the double standard kicks in, and if you're of a certain religion (Christian), or in favor of a certain political party (Republican), or even of a certain gender (male), then when you speak of your faith, politics or needs, you are to be silenced because you are offensive.
When I state my beliefs I'm talking about ME not THE PERSON I'M TALKING TO. So, if I'm not talking about THE OTHER PERSON, and THE OTHER PERSON chooseS to be offended, then that's THE OTHER PERSON'S problem.
I refuse to be silenced. How 'bout you?
To translate this into the political arena:
I think that's part of why I like Mike - he refuses to conform to the cowardice and apologetic attitude that those of the "acceptably vocal" party/faiths would like him to do.
I don't care whether he's of the same faith as you or not, you have to respect the fact that he insists on an EQUAL 2-way street, and that, in the face of fierce political storms, and at great risk to his wealth and status, he insists on not silencing his views and beliefs just to ensure that someone else doesn't get offended. That's what he's supposed to do - that's why he's running to be the next President of the United States.
I think this episode with one of those intolerant Democrats -
(Oh btw, that Democrat was initially offended by my even stating that I was voting for the "other" party - but he/she finally got reconciled to the idea of my expressing an opinion because he/she justified it by saying that I had a burning passion that couldn't be quelched. So, what if it was just a passing fancy, should I have then been silent under those rules? And, after 3 sentences, he/she finally convinced him/herself that my stating my view on candidates was okay because as he/she put it, "after all this is America.")
- has ignited a burning passion in me to just get "crazy" and do what some other supporters do and say, put a sign on my lawn, put a sticker on my car, y'know get really wild! I guess telling strangers who you support is, under the "rules" not as offensive as telling your friends and colleagues.
I refuse to be silenced. How 'bout you?
I'm ready for America's pendulum to swing a little more to center, where one party doesn't have a monopoly on freedom of speech and marches on Washington!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
Civil Rights by a Baptist Minister
In case you're "afraid" of Mike's background as a pastor and what that means for America - let's remember another Baptist Minister . . . this Country's Civil Rights Leader . . . Reverend Martin Luther King, whom every Democrat applauds and honors, and rightly so. Why then is it that, when a Republican has the faith of one of our Country's heros (in fact, has a National Holiday in his honor), and the faith of one of the Democrat's poster children, he should be continually challenged in the media about his faith and politics, when his adversaries - Democrat or Republican - are not?
Well, today, on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that double standard was discussed, and personally, I think Mike Huckabee's answer was perfect. Here's what happened:
Mike Huckabee:
See the entire Mike Huckabee on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" here:
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Well, today, on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that double standard was discussed, and personally, I think Mike Huckabee's answer was perfect. Here's what happened:
". . . For years, if I went into a Northwest Florida to a church and I talked about politics, the Bible, anything, I'd be called a right-wing religious nut. I'd be called a hypocrite. And yet, my Democratic candidate every time would be going into churches, not conservative churches, more progressive churches or African American churches, and they'd be patted on the back and say, 'Oh, in the tradition of Martin Luther King.' Talk about that double standard - it happens all the time."
Mike Huckabee:
"And there shouldn't be a double standard. The truth is that the reason we have Civil Rights today is not because of government, it's because of the church. Martin Luther King did not speak - and never liked the term "Civil Rights Leader" - he wanted to be known as a preacher. And the reason why is because the authority, the moral authority, from which he presented the idea of social justice was Biblical authority.
So, it's not at all out of the way to remind ourselves that Civil Rights is the result of the conscience of the church speaking to this Country and speaking truth to Power, when quite frankly, Power didn't want to hear the message of Civil Rights. But they needed to hear it, because this Nation had to make some serious changes about how they treated African Americans."
See the entire Mike Huckabee on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" here:
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
A College Student's Top 5 Reasons to Vote for Huckabee
Created by a Mike Huckabee supporter for his English class:
By "Spangladesh44" on YouTube - Permanent YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDK6CYiqqMw
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
By "Spangladesh44" on YouTube - Permanent YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDK6CYiqqMw
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
fair tax,
Mike Huckabee,
presidential race,
The Greatest Generation
"I don't want the Greatest Generation to be the one that already lived. I want it to be the one that hasn't been born yet." - Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee
[from a speech given in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Elks Lodge]
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
[from a speech given in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Elks Lodge]
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Inspiring Report from the Huckabee Campain Trail
Another example of the authenticity of the Huckabee Campaign:
Randy Bishop is a truck driver by trade and a dedicated Mike Huckabee supporter. He sent in this report about his travels and events over the last few days getting the word out about Mike Huckabee.
Hey Everyone,
I don't know how Gov. and Mrs. Huckabee keep up with their busy schedule! After driving down from Traverse City to the Birch Run event on Friday, getting signs, a banner, and other supplies, I drove back home and went to bed about 1:00 am.
I started out Saturday morning at 6:30 am, and got out to my pickup truck which was covered in a fresh lake effect snow. I headed up to the Northern Michigan Voter's Fair & Straw Poll and setup a table right up front between the Romney and McCain tables. Great turnout and we answered alot of really good questions about Mike and his positions. The organizer gave us access to a laptop that had a high-speed connection to the web, that displayed it's screen on a overhead projector which showed up on the stage's huge big screen. So we ran YouTube videos of Mike all day long.
I left the Fair about 4:00 pm, and headed over to the Ronald Reagan Dinner/Charlevoix GOP fundraiser. I put out some yard signs out on the shoulder of the road, in the driveway and was able to park in the very first spot, which was a straight shot viewable from the small entrance driveway. So I put a yard sign on my rear bumper, which was right between my FairTax bumper stickers. The Huckabee sign greeted everyone as they arrived at the event (over 150 people including Duncan Hunter and all the other speakers)!
I was the first person there, besides the host, Charlevoix GOP Chairman - Wes Dillworth (Romney supporter) and his family. I chose to sit at the very first table on the right, next to the bar (even though I don't drink).
People started trickling in about 5:15, and then walked in U.S. Congressman-Peter Hoekstra R-MI. Wes Dillworth was setting up behind the bar and Peter walked over to Wes to say hello. They shook hands, and Wes asked Peter, "so how are we doing in the tracking"? Congressman Hoekstra said..."McCain is drawing smaller crowds than us, but Huckabee is kicking our {backsides}". Right then, Wes happened to look over and see me sitting behind my laptop, and leaned back and whispered something to Peter. Peter immediately looked over at me and nodded...I simply smiled at him and nodded back. This exchange really boosted my confidence to speak in front of the group on behalf of Gov. Huckabee.
The event finally started late at 7:00 pm... We started by having the local sheriff leading us through the Pledge of Allegiance, then a local pastor lead us through a prayer, and then we had a buffet style dinner.
Presidential Candidate/U.S. Congressman-California Duncan Hunter started it off, by giving a great speech. He brought his wife and his son, Duncan Jr. who just got back from Iraq and is running for office in California.
Next, Ex-Presidential Candidate/U.S. Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, spoke and asked us to support John McCain for President.
Next, U.S. Congressman-Peter Hoekstra R-MI, spoke about Mitt Romney .
Oh, I forgot to mention...prior to the speeches starting, I had given the emcee my name to put on his lineup sheet. When I told him my name, he asked me what office I held? I said, "I don't hold an office, I'm a Truck Driver and I'm supporting Mike Huckabee for President, and I'm sorry I don't own a suit so I'm a little under dressed (Black & Silver pullover sweater and black dress slacks), so if you could please tell the audience that when you introduce me, I'd appreciate it." He said OK.
"Next, we have Randy Bishop speaking on why he's supporting Mike Huckabee for President. Randy is a Truck Driver, and he wanted to apologize for being "undressed" for this evening's event because he doesn't own a suit, so here's Randy". (I got more applause than Sam or Peter, they were very nice to me). I told Duncan Hunter, that Gov. Huckabee told me to say Hello....Duncan said, "Tell Mike I said Hi Back"...the audience applauded.
I started off by telling them a little about my trucking business. I told them that I drive an average of four (4) times around the world per year (100,000 miles), using 16,662 gallons of diesel fuel, which cost $53,357 in 2007. After corporate taxes, truck payments, repair bills, insurances, and a semi's license plate ($1,850 per year) I end up with less than 30% to claim as my personal income, which I then have to pay personal taxes on... and end up with less than 22% of my gross income to actually live on and pay for my personal expenses. Needless to say, the entire room was shaking their heads in disgust and amazement.
I told them about Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minutemen Project, and how he interviewed all of the candidates for President. Jim told me personally in Traverse City this week, that the Democratic candidates, "don't even think we have a problem with illegal immigration", and out of all of the Republican candidates, that Mike Huckabee has a real solution to this problem and that's why Jim Gilchrist endorsed Mike Huckabee for President. I told them to go to MikeHuckabee.com under Issues, and read his 9 point strategy listed as his Secure America Plan.
Also, I told them that Mike wants to close the IRS, shut it down and replace it with the "FairTax". I explained that it's a consumption tax and does not tax us on our productivity. I told them to go to MikeHuckabee.com and read more about it there. But more importantly, all these illegal workers would start paying into our tax system when they bought their necessities to live. Other people who get paid in cash, and even visitors to this country (like all of the Canadians who cross over from Windsor into Detroit, or Sarnia into Port Huron) and many others would start paying into our Federal Treasury. Many applauded right then.
I finished by saying simply, Mike Huckabee wants to seal the border, have all of us not be penalized for our labor and profits, and get the U.S. economy booming like we have never seen before in our lifetime!!! That's just some of the reasons I'm supporting Mike Huckabee for President"! The room broke out in a huge, loud applause.
I stayed for the other politicians and listened to their speeches. When it was over, I had no less than 20-25 people come over and tell me that they were switching their vote, and would be voting for Mike Huckabee. A former judge, (I promised not to tell you his name) came up to me and said, "you were the most credible guy on that stage tonight, the rest of them were just politicians"! That made me feel good for Mike.
Gov. Huckabee, I tried to do my best for you. I hope I didn't say anything to hurt your campaign or anything that you didn't want me to bring up...but like I told you at the Birch Run Rally, "I'm just a Truck Driver, who wants you to be our next President".
God Bless you and Janet! I think God has a hand in everything we all are doing in this campaign and hopefully we will deliver a win in Michigan for you this Tuesday.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Randy Bishop is a truck driver by trade and a dedicated Mike Huckabee supporter. He sent in this report about his travels and events over the last few days getting the word out about Mike Huckabee.
Hey Everyone,
I don't know how Gov. and Mrs. Huckabee keep up with their busy schedule! After driving down from Traverse City to the Birch Run event on Friday, getting signs, a banner, and other supplies, I drove back home and went to bed about 1:00 am.
I started out Saturday morning at 6:30 am, and got out to my pickup truck which was covered in a fresh lake effect snow. I headed up to the Northern Michigan Voter's Fair & Straw Poll and setup a table right up front between the Romney and McCain tables. Great turnout and we answered alot of really good questions about Mike and his positions. The organizer gave us access to a laptop that had a high-speed connection to the web, that displayed it's screen on a overhead projector which showed up on the stage's huge big screen. So we ran YouTube videos of Mike all day long.
I left the Fair about 4:00 pm, and headed over to the Ronald Reagan Dinner/Charlevoix GOP fundraiser. I put out some yard signs out on the shoulder of the road, in the driveway and was able to park in the very first spot, which was a straight shot viewable from the small entrance driveway. So I put a yard sign on my rear bumper, which was right between my FairTax bumper stickers. The Huckabee sign greeted everyone as they arrived at the event (over 150 people including Duncan Hunter and all the other speakers)!
I was the first person there, besides the host, Charlevoix GOP Chairman - Wes Dillworth (Romney supporter) and his family. I chose to sit at the very first table on the right, next to the bar (even though I don't drink).
People started trickling in about 5:15, and then walked in U.S. Congressman-Peter Hoekstra R-MI. Wes Dillworth was setting up behind the bar and Peter walked over to Wes to say hello. They shook hands, and Wes asked Peter, "so how are we doing in the tracking"? Congressman Hoekstra said..."McCain is drawing smaller crowds than us, but Huckabee is kicking our {backsides}". Right then, Wes happened to look over and see me sitting behind my laptop, and leaned back and whispered something to Peter. Peter immediately looked over at me and nodded...I simply smiled at him and nodded back. This exchange really boosted my confidence to speak in front of the group on behalf of Gov. Huckabee.
The event finally started late at 7:00 pm... We started by having the local sheriff leading us through the Pledge of Allegiance, then a local pastor lead us through a prayer, and then we had a buffet style dinner.
Presidential Candidate/U.S. Congressman-California Duncan Hunter started it off, by giving a great speech. He brought his wife and his son, Duncan Jr. who just got back from Iraq and is running for office in California.
Next, Ex-Presidential Candidate/U.S. Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, spoke and asked us to support John McCain for President.
Next, U.S. Congressman-Peter Hoekstra R-MI, spoke about Mitt Romney .
Oh, I forgot to mention...prior to the speeches starting, I had given the emcee my name to put on his lineup sheet. When I told him my name, he asked me what office I held? I said, "I don't hold an office, I'm a Truck Driver and I'm supporting Mike Huckabee for President, and I'm sorry I don't own a suit so I'm a little under dressed (Black & Silver pullover sweater and black dress slacks), so if you could please tell the audience that when you introduce me, I'd appreciate it." He said OK.
"Next, we have Randy Bishop speaking on why he's supporting Mike Huckabee for President. Randy is a Truck Driver, and he wanted to apologize for being "undressed" for this evening's event because he doesn't own a suit, so here's Randy". (I got more applause than Sam or Peter, they were very nice to me). I told Duncan Hunter, that Gov. Huckabee told me to say Hello....Duncan said, "Tell Mike I said Hi Back"...the audience applauded.
I started off by telling them a little about my trucking business. I told them that I drive an average of four (4) times around the world per year (100,000 miles), using 16,662 gallons of diesel fuel, which cost $53,357 in 2007. After corporate taxes, truck payments, repair bills, insurances, and a semi's license plate ($1,850 per year) I end up with less than 30% to claim as my personal income, which I then have to pay personal taxes on... and end up with less than 22% of my gross income to actually live on and pay for my personal expenses. Needless to say, the entire room was shaking their heads in disgust and amazement.
I told them about Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minutemen Project, and how he interviewed all of the candidates for President. Jim told me personally in Traverse City this week, that the Democratic candidates, "don't even think we have a problem with illegal immigration", and out of all of the Republican candidates, that Mike Huckabee has a real solution to this problem and that's why Jim Gilchrist endorsed Mike Huckabee for President. I told them to go to MikeHuckabee.com under Issues, and read his 9 point strategy listed as his Secure America Plan.
Also, I told them that Mike wants to close the IRS, shut it down and replace it with the "FairTax". I explained that it's a consumption tax and does not tax us on our productivity. I told them to go to MikeHuckabee.com and read more about it there. But more importantly, all these illegal workers would start paying into our tax system when they bought their necessities to live. Other people who get paid in cash, and even visitors to this country (like all of the Canadians who cross over from Windsor into Detroit, or Sarnia into Port Huron) and many others would start paying into our Federal Treasury. Many applauded right then.
I finished by saying simply, Mike Huckabee wants to seal the border, have all of us not be penalized for our labor and profits, and get the U.S. economy booming like we have never seen before in our lifetime!!! That's just some of the reasons I'm supporting Mike Huckabee for President"! The room broke out in a huge, loud applause.
I stayed for the other politicians and listened to their speeches. When it was over, I had no less than 20-25 people come over and tell me that they were switching their vote, and would be voting for Mike Huckabee. A former judge, (I promised not to tell you his name) came up to me and said, "you were the most credible guy on that stage tonight, the rest of them were just politicians"! That made me feel good for Mike.
Gov. Huckabee, I tried to do my best for you. I hope I didn't say anything to hurt your campaign or anything that you didn't want me to bring up...but like I told you at the Birch Run Rally, "I'm just a Truck Driver, who wants you to be our next President".
God Bless you and Janet! I think God has a hand in everything we all are doing in this campaign and hopefully we will deliver a win in Michigan for you this Tuesday.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Why I LOVE the FairTax plan
I love the FairTax plan because:
1. Most Importantly - It aligns the taxation of the American People with the core values of America. What do I mean by that? I mean that America is founded and developed and led the World because we are innovators and entrepreneurs. We all grow up admiring Ben Franklin's love for experiments and business development - and his deep sense of personal responsibility.
Mike Huckabee is right - when we tax income, we are taxing our productivity, our creativity, our ingenuity, our American spark. And, taxing productivity is, well, ... counter-productive.
Why don't smart, creative, hard working people instantly grab every opportunity to make more money - to get from middle class to upper class to independent wealth? Because we bump into the whole "higher tax bracket" quandry. At some point, it is inefficient to earn more because the increased net after tax income is less than the risks and sacrifice associated with the added opportunity.
Imagine an America where self-employed people aren't trying to actually "show" less income. Here's a novel idea - let's have a society where we actually can be proud of and brag about the profits/rewards of our ideas & the risks we accepted - in any way we want - rather than "play them down" by endlessly searching for deductions. Why give innovative entrepreneurs and self-employed people an internal struggle? Do away with income tax and you foster Brand New Era of American ingenuity and productivity.
And, then there's the flipside. Taxes on consumption. Great! Because I'm not a big spender! (my 10+ year old couch is evidence of that)
So, Huckabee's support for the FairTax is a pathway to what would be a wonderful day for America -
We, the People, would be COMPLETELY in charge of what happens to the money that we earn, that we make, and the money that our money makes!
THAT is what true fiscal conservatism is about - empowering the individual's ability to create, choose and use wisely.
[And, contrarily, fiscal liberalism is about enabling and coddling the individual because government believes that the individual isn't smart, strong or courageous enough to handle the supposed mine-field of risk/reward decisions for him/herself.]
Never, ever, in our lifetimes, or at least 3 generations back, has this ever happened.
Just think about how much time and energy goes into thinking and talking and planning around income taxes - IRAs, 401ks, limitations on retirement investments (e.g. real estate), etc.
Imagine how free & inspired everyone would feel to earn as much money as they want - and to spend it, invest it, grow it, risk it, save it, as they see fit.
Now, that's a Brave New World!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
1. Most Importantly - It aligns the taxation of the American People with the core values of America. What do I mean by that? I mean that America is founded and developed and led the World because we are innovators and entrepreneurs. We all grow up admiring Ben Franklin's love for experiments and business development - and his deep sense of personal responsibility.
Mike Huckabee is right - when we tax income, we are taxing our productivity, our creativity, our ingenuity, our American spark. And, taxing productivity is, well, ... counter-productive.
Why don't smart, creative, hard working people instantly grab every opportunity to make more money - to get from middle class to upper class to independent wealth? Because we bump into the whole "higher tax bracket" quandry. At some point, it is inefficient to earn more because the increased net after tax income is less than the risks and sacrifice associated with the added opportunity.
Imagine an America where self-employed people aren't trying to actually "show" less income. Here's a novel idea - let's have a society where we actually can be proud of and brag about the profits/rewards of our ideas & the risks we accepted - in any way we want - rather than "play them down" by endlessly searching for deductions. Why give innovative entrepreneurs and self-employed people an internal struggle? Do away with income tax and you foster Brand New Era of American ingenuity and productivity.
And, then there's the flipside. Taxes on consumption. Great! Because I'm not a big spender! (my 10+ year old couch is evidence of that)
So, Huckabee's support for the FairTax is a pathway to what would be a wonderful day for America -
We, the People, would be COMPLETELY in charge of what happens to the money that we earn, that we make, and the money that our money makes!
THAT is what true fiscal conservatism is about - empowering the individual's ability to create, choose and use wisely.
[And, contrarily, fiscal liberalism is about enabling and coddling the individual because government believes that the individual isn't smart, strong or courageous enough to handle the supposed mine-field of risk/reward decisions for him/herself.]
Never, ever, in our lifetimes, or at least 3 generations back, has this ever happened.
Just think about how much time and energy goes into thinking and talking and planning around income taxes - IRAs, 401ks, limitations on retirement investments (e.g. real estate), etc.
Imagine how free & inspired everyone would feel to earn as much money as they want - and to spend it, invest it, grow it, risk it, save it, as they see fit.
Now, that's a Brave New World!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
fair tax,
Mike Huckabee,
The answer to Mitt's tax raising/lower question doesn't determine whether he's a fiscal conservative or not
Here's what I think needs to be said about this stupid confrontation that Mitt & Fred keep trying to set up about the raising/lowering tax question. {It's very similar to the age-old question, Do you still beat your wife Mr. Jones? That is, the question, in and of itself is deceiving and misses the essential issue.}
Here's what could be said, that Mike Huckabee raised (and lowered taxes) but if Mitt or Fred thinks that that fact in and of itself makes be a fiscal liberal then their logic is very flawed. It's what you do in the whole fiscal picture - like also cutting taxes - and creating a $800 billion surplus - and it's what you DO WITH the taxes that makes you a liberal or conservative - like putting it to work to repair the broken school system that the former Arkansas Governor-become-President left ranked at 49th place in the Court and have it achieve #8th ranking! If you use it toward socialist type ends, then you're liberal, and if you use it toward economic stimulus sort of ends that develop business and education and the building blocks of personal responsibility and ingenuity, then you're conservative."
As to the Michigan car manufacturing issue, I'm very sorry to hear that things are as bad or worse in MI as they were in the late '70s when the car manuf started going to Asia. But the realities are that there is no magic wand, and that Republican fiscal conservatism is about laying a foundation for innovation and free competition (eg change the regulation imbalance betwn US & outside, get rid of tax on productivity, encourage innovation), not about promising or guaranteeing employment, which is close to what Romney is trying to "say," though I doubt that he'll "do."
I think that by Mitt promising that "the jobs will come back," clearly inferring the auto industry jobs, he's looking in the rear view mirror rather than toward the possible innovation and American entreprenuership of the future. Looking backwards for a goal is always a mistake. [Note, I didn't say looking backwards in itself is bad, just looking there for a GOAL is a mistake.] The solution is always the as yet unknown and undiscovered item/event in the future.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Here's what could be said, that Mike Huckabee raised (and lowered taxes) but if Mitt or Fred thinks that that fact in and of itself makes be a fiscal liberal then their logic is very flawed. It's what you do in the whole fiscal picture - like also cutting taxes - and creating a $800 billion surplus - and it's what you DO WITH the taxes that makes you a liberal or conservative - like putting it to work to repair the broken school system that the former Arkansas Governor-become-President left ranked at 49th place in the Court and have it achieve #8th ranking! If you use it toward socialist type ends, then you're liberal, and if you use it toward economic stimulus sort of ends that develop business and education and the building blocks of personal responsibility and ingenuity, then you're conservative."
As to the Michigan car manufacturing issue, I'm very sorry to hear that things are as bad or worse in MI as they were in the late '70s when the car manuf started going to Asia. But the realities are that there is no magic wand, and that Republican fiscal conservatism is about laying a foundation for innovation and free competition (eg change the regulation imbalance betwn US & outside, get rid of tax on productivity, encourage innovation), not about promising or guaranteeing employment, which is close to what Romney is trying to "say," though I doubt that he'll "do."
I think that by Mitt promising that "the jobs will come back," clearly inferring the auto industry jobs, he's looking in the rear view mirror rather than toward the possible innovation and American entreprenuership of the future. Looking backwards for a goal is always a mistake. [Note, I didn't say looking backwards in itself is bad, just looking there for a GOAL is a mistake.] The solution is always the as yet unknown and undiscovered item/event in the future.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
2008 Election,
Mike Huckabee,
Mitt Romney,
presidential race,
An "unscrupulous lender" and an A.R.M.
This is why the Democrats (i.e. Obama & Hillary) are socialists and are about everything EXCEPT American values of personal responsibility, accountability, and fiscal conservatism:
In his speech to a church in Las Vegas today (4:24 pm EST), he said that he was talking to a couple that might lose their home in foreclosure because they got involved with an "unscrupulous lender" who put them into "an adjustable rate mortgage" and now they might lose their home.
Where has the personal responsibility that accompanies freedom gone to in our Nation?
Where is the common sense of risk and reward? Part of why it's missing is because of liberal Washington - everything from POTUS, US Supreme and Congress - enabling people by "saving" them from the consequences of their poor choices (e.g. hot cups of coffee and A.R.M.s). It's not that I don't feel bad when someone makes a poor choice - I do - we all make them - sometimes alot - it's just that my belief of what America stands for is that IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB TO GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM YOUR POOR CHOICE - You can't have FREEDOM and no risk, you can't have capitalism and free trade without risk. [Re-read the Grand Inquisitor Chapter of The Brothers Karamazov for a beautifully written example of this very idea.]
This is why I am ideologically opposed to what the liberal institution, the Democrats, stand for.
[And, notice I didn't even have to reach the point about how they'll use taxes un-endingly to fund the popular hand-out of the day that spares people of the risk/reward and free market and free society choices that they made and for which they don't want to be personally responsible.]
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Mike Huckabee,
presidential race,
Why I chose Mike over the others (brief summary)
For some of you who know me, my support/endorsement of Mike Huckabee might surprise you. For others who know my passion that "basic American freedoms are not free" side, this might not surprise you.
2 Things to focus on in considering MIKE HUCKABEE:
1. FairTax - a concept that puts our tax system in line with our basic American entrepreneurial spirit - no tax on productivity, just on consumption.
2. Listen to his Detroit Economic Club Speech - it embodies everything I believe.
As to the other candidates & why I didn't choose them, I'll probably be posting more to the I Like Mike Blog about that, but here's the basics:
1. Hillary - absolutely not an option - She believes only in power and will do anything to get it. Read Dick Morris' book (yes, he hates the Clintons but what I learned from a man who "broke bread" with her on a daily basis). And, I learned when I was very little (thanks to Great Parents) that equal means equal - and it also means blind - blind to sex, race and creed - which means I won't vote for anyone because they're a woman & vice versa!
2. Obama - aside from his lack of experience, there's his (& Hillary's) complete Socialist agenda. I could never vote to turn our free-commerce Republic into a Socialist economy.
[FYI I have heard enough Socialist medicine horror stories to know that as soon as you take free-market-competition out of healthcare that there will be no innovation & no quality. There are better health care alternatives than socialized medicine.]
[BTW, I believe that America is not the land of guaranteed bread & honey & healthcare & jobs. America is the land of guaranteed freedoms and equality that enable an individual to make his/her own choices by which he/she can provide him/herself with bread, honey, healthcare & jobs.]
3. Rudy - I like Rudy (so does my husband) and he's the one who took down our former employer (Drexel Burnham Lambert). But we voted for him for Mayor of NYC & we LOVED him as Mayor. He was fearless - with the Mob, with graft, with big biz, with small biz, with unions, etc. But, he doesn't have the FAIRTAX plan, and I think the rest of my reasons are really personality-based.
4. Fred - I like Fred's thinking - and it's really not that different from Rudy's (or Huckabee's for that matter, although Fred would like to make a bigger distinction). Look, if the Republicans nominated Fred, I'd absolutely vote for him in November (heck, if the Reps nominate anyone other than Ron Paul I'd absolutely vote for him in November). But, if I can have a choice between a good executive and a guy who speaks to my love for America & its core principles, and a guy who has put his muscle behind his campaign for the last year (rather than just showing up and getting a pulse now), and a guy who can speak in a common sense, down to earth, yet coherent and articulate and inspirational manner, I'll choose the latter.
5. Mitt - I like Mitt too. For about the last 1+ years I've been watching/listening to the BYU Channel on my DirectTV (channel 374), along with other inspirational channels & speakers. BYU is 1 of few places in this country that is not only committed to families but they put their $$ where their mouth is and have a tremendous amount of workshops, seminars, etc. - at least semi-annually @ BYU in huge conventions about the real agita & "how to" of parenting & building strong families. No one else does this anymore - not even the local YMCA. If you told your friends that you hold a "family night" once a week they'd think you were weird - and weirder still if you told them that on another night of the week you all got together and discussed your faith. Those are the sort of things I learn - and love - about what BYU & the Mormon community has to offer. (Of course, the Mormon Church has alot of other issues that remind me of why I shy away from "institutional religion" and prefer "spirituality.") Just because I like BYU doesn't mean I like Mitt - I just wanted to point out that it's not because of his faith that makes me not choose him. I do like Mitt because of his understanding of how biz works and what type of govt promotes & supports it, and I think he's a problem solver. AND I absolutely loved the speech that he gave about his faith - it too was historic and real. BUT I don't connect with him when he usually talks (except last Sat night when he was in the "zone") - he tries to hard, he's too stiff, I think he tries to be everything to everybody (like saying that each of the 10 mil illegal immigrant's situation would be reviewed one by one - utterly unrealistic), he too (along w/the other Rep candidates) does not promote the FAIRTAX, and given all of that, he doesn't inspire me - as either an awesomely successful biz person or an awesome leader.
6. John - I sort of like John. I'm amazed at what he's been able to do w/his life after his POW experience. I like his strategy/opinions on the war. But, he is the Republican I would least like to be nominated primarily because of his opposition to so much important fiscally conservative legislation that his party tried to accomplish. And, I'm not okay w/letting illegals stay here - even w/a fine. And, I guess I especially haven't forgiven him for that fillibuster crap. Now, I know that his heart is in trying to get the 2 parties to work together - but the Democratic party just refuses to sing "Kumbaya" right now - they are completely about wanting to "take out the Republicans at the knees." So, what's left in McCain's wake? A frustrated mess.
I'll be posting more specific reasons why I LIKE MIKE on future posts - SPECIFICALLY, I'll be disecting the Detroit Econ Club speech & applying it to my beliefs & the lives of my family & friends.
For now, just listen to his Detroit Economic Club speech (below) and learn about the possibility of living in an America that puts its $$$ where it's mouth is - NO TAX ON PRODUCTIVITY & INGENUITY!!! (i.e. THE FAIRTAX - find out more HERE on Mike Huckabee's Campaign site)
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
President Abraham Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address
This is an historic, inspiring message for Americans - and incredibly TIMELY given Our Country's current international events.
Try to read it without choking up - I dare you!
How would Lincoln be vilified today in our current culture for referencing God in relation to a war?
Lincoln's speech eloquently describes the "just war" and the importance of staying committed - despite hardship - to freedom for all.
[In my opinion, he describes concepts that the Democrats and others of the "pull out now" ilk, have forgotten. They've also forgotten that these are the concepts that created America, that won the Revolutionay War, and that created and gave them the freedoms that they enjoy today.]
Lest we forget . . . we enjoy our current freedoms because of their leadership, their inspiration, their commitment and courage . . . and their sacrifice.
According to Bartleby.com's Reference section (also the source of the speech transcript):
"Weeks of wet weather preceding Lincoln's second inauguration had caused Pennsylvania Avenue to become a sea of mud and standing water. Thousands of spectators stood in thick mud at the Capitol grounds to hear the President. As he stood on the East Portico to take the executive oath, the completed Capitol dome over the President's head was a physical reminder of the resolve of his Administration throughout the years of civil war. Chief Justice Salmon Chase administered the oath of office. In little more than a month, the President would be assassinated."
[Note: The bold emphasis in the speech is mine - how appropriate these statements are to our Country - and the World - today.]
AT this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.
On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, urgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.
One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Mike Huckabee's Detroit Economic Club Speech - Jan. 11, 2008
This is one of the great speeches of our time.
[Watch it here - without even having to leave this blog - see the 5 part YouTube below.]
You MUST watch this regardless of who you're voting for or even whether you're voting.
I love writing speeches and public speaking, and some even say that I'm good at it.
But, this is the kind of speech I dream of giving (or writing). Every idea, every value, every theory, every comment, every inspirational moment rings true for me as a person and as a United States citizen.
People like me dream of writing or giving speeches like this. It brought tears to my eyes - which last happened when I was reading Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address at his Monument.
So, whether you like Mike or not, whether you've decided that you're voting for a different Republican or a Democrat, or even if you're not even sure what a primary is and wasn't even planning on voting this year . . . listen to this speech.
Take a moment to be inspired. Take a moment to be reminded of America's greatness - and of the inherent Greatness in each of us.
Obviously, there's a lot to comment about in this speech about the political issues (& why I think Mike's not only right - but that he's right on point!), and I'll do it in later posts.
Oh, and if you want to compare, or remember, or read for the first time, the awe-inspiring words of Lincoln, see above.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
[Watch it here - without even having to leave this blog - see the 5 part YouTube below.]
You MUST watch this regardless of who you're voting for or even whether you're voting.
I love writing speeches and public speaking, and some even say that I'm good at it.
But, this is the kind of speech I dream of giving (or writing). Every idea, every value, every theory, every comment, every inspirational moment rings true for me as a person and as a United States citizen.
People like me dream of writing or giving speeches like this. It brought tears to my eyes - which last happened when I was reading Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address at his Monument.
So, whether you like Mike or not, whether you've decided that you're voting for a different Republican or a Democrat, or even if you're not even sure what a primary is and wasn't even planning on voting this year . . . listen to this speech.
Take a moment to be inspired. Take a moment to be reminded of America's greatness - and of the inherent Greatness in each of us.
Obviously, there's a lot to comment about in this speech about the political issues (& why I think Mike's not only right - but that he's right on point!), and I'll do it in later posts.
Oh, and if you want to compare, or remember, or read for the first time, the awe-inspiring words of Lincoln, see above.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Detroit Economic Club Speech - Part 1 of 5 - Jan. 11, 2008
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Detroit Economic Club Speech - Part 2 of 5 - Jan. 11, 2008
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Detroit Economic Club Speech - Part 3 of 5 - Jan. 11, 2008
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Detroit Economic Club Speech - Part 4 of 5 - Jan. 11, 2008
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
Detroit Economic Club Speech - Part 5 of 5 - Jan. 11, 2008
This is the Q&A section - with questions about:
1. What sets you apart from other Republican candidates?
2. How did you accomplish stellar success with Arkansas' education system and what would you do to improve "No Child Left Behind?"
3. Beatles or Rolling Stones? (Includes Keith Richards story)
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
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