Sunday, January 13, 2008

An "unscrupulous lender" and an A.R.M.

This is why the Democrats (i.e. Obama & Hillary) are socialists and are about everything EXCEPT American values of personal responsibility, accountability, and fiscal conservatism:

In his speech to a church in Las Vegas today (4:24 pm EST), he said that he was talking to a couple that might lose their home in foreclosure because they got involved with an "unscrupulous lender" who put them into "an adjustable rate mortgage" and now they might lose their home.

Where has the personal responsibility that accompanies freedom gone to in our Nation?

Where is the common sense of risk and reward? Part of why it's missing is because of liberal Washington - everything from POTUS, US Supreme and Congress - enabling people by "saving" them from the consequences of their poor choices (e.g. hot cups of coffee and A.R.M.s). It's not that I don't feel bad when someone makes a poor choice - I do - we all make them - sometimes alot - it's just that my belief of what America stands for is that IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB TO GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM YOUR POOR CHOICE - You can't have FREEDOM and no risk, you can't have capitalism and free trade without risk. [Re-read the Grand Inquisitor Chapter of The Brothers Karamazov for a beautifully written example of this very idea.]

This is why I am ideologically opposed to what the liberal institution, the Democrats, stand for.

[And, notice I didn't even have to reach the point about how they'll use taxes un-endingly to fund the popular hand-out of the day that spares people of the risk/reward and free market and free society choices that they made and for which they don't want to be personally responsible.]


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

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