Friday, January 18, 2008

Why I'm not voting Democrat - can you say "victim" and "abuse"

I fall into that category of Americans who believe that me, myself, I am completely, totally responsible for my attitude and response to my life events and circumstances.

I am not alone in this - Ben Stein joins me, so does Doug Hall, Joyce Myer, Joel Osteen, Dr. Phil, and a myriad of other Americans. [How's that for name dropping?]

So, I am "sick and tired" of hearing the follow 2 words, which I have now come to consider anti-American explicitly because of their unashamed wide-spread proliferation upon our Society:

1. victim
2. abuse

Why do I bring this up now? This issue has been the focal point of the complaint of the personal-responsibility crowd since the multi-million dollar McDonald's hot cup of coffee protracted litigation.

But Now, we have a Presidential Election - a vote for the leader of our Country, and an opportunity to choose either the personal-responsibility view or the victim-mentality view.

And . . . what do I see/hear on the Chicago Tribune website . . . but a clip of Obama talking to a handful of folks, and mentioning IN ONE SENTENCE no less, BOTH words -



And, do you know what it was referencing?

Was it referencing the Iraqi citizens who were victims and suffered abuse under the terroristic hand of their de-throned former dictator Saddam Hussein? Nope.

Was it referencing the American soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan who may fall victim to the abuse and assault of the still-out-there Islamic terrorists whose only mission is to eliminate the Americans? Nope.

Was it the American public who are enticed to become victims of a Main Stream Media that distorts reality into meaningless yet instigating soundbites in an attempt to politically abuse the target of the day? Nope.

IT WAS the "abuse" of "unscrupulous" credit card and mortgage companies who were dumb enough to give people money when they promised to repay it, and which people now are "victims" of these high credit card rates of over 20% and high adjustable mortgage rates! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

Those people individually unilaterally and of their own free will made charges to those credit cards.

They ASKED the mortgage companies to give them money to buy a house even though they could have continued renting and even though their credit scores were weak. And then when the mortgage companies said yes, those people signed almost 100 pages of documents saying that they knew the interest rate of the mortgage, knew the risks, were capable of repaying the mortgage, promised to repay the mortgage, and represented and certified that they were doing this of their own free will, voluntarily without coercion or duress.

NOOOOWWWWW, Obama wants to - first thing we do is to get more money into the pockets of these "victims" and also we crack down these unscrupulous lenders. Then, somehow, this will, he says, "help educate consumers." Oh really? Throwing money at people doesn't educate them, it encourages continued-intentional-victim-hood-ignorance.


This is the very reason why Obama will destroy this Great Country - just dump money onto people who cry victim and abuse and who refuse to accept any personal responsibility - it was his INSTANT IMMEDIATE reaction. He had not even a flinch of misgiving.

His campaign slogan must be "You are all victims who have been abused & we'll go get those meanies and put you on a federal-enablement program wherein we'll continue to enable you so much that you'll never want to leave and you'll never become self-sufficient or understand personal responsibility, but that's okay because then you'll be beholden to me and re-elect me and make me feel good about what I did for you."

Can you say The Grand Inquisitor Chapter of the Brothers Karamazov?

Scary. Scary. Scary.

I don't know about you but my vote is for personal responsibility and getting those who believe they are victims to exercise the personal responsibility muscle - it takes time and practice.

But, Gov. Mike Huckabee was able to do it in Arkansas - he reduced the Welfare rolls by 50% ----- 50% ----- that's huge!!!
And, you know, when someone shifts from victim-hood to personal-responsibility, oh so many other wonderful things fall into place for them, their family, their children, their children's school, their neighborhood, their community, and their State . . . and ultimately, the entire Country.


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

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