Saturday, January 26, 2008

"McCain is Most Electable" - NOT! (Why would the Dems elect a moderate Republican when they can just elect a Democrat?)

Lots of Republican political talking heads are saying that McCain is the most electable. This is exactly what's wrong with the Republican party.

Clearly, John McCain is seen as the most moderate Republican candidate. Good for him, that's the maveric style he likes and wants, and he's demonstrated that with the amnesty bill, campaign reform bill, and the gang of 14. Regardless of whether you like him or not because of or despite those things, most people agree that he's the most moderate Republican.

Now, here's the question:

Why would the Democrats and Independents of the Country elect a moderate Republican if they have a choice between him and an actual real live Democrat?

It makes no sense. Now, when you're in Congress trying to cut a deal and you don't have enough Democrats to make it work and you're looking for a moderate Republican, you go to McCain.

BUT, when you're talking about the voting American public in November, the liberal-minded are going to vote for an ACTUAL Democrat, not a moderate Republican. Here's an unregistered liberal voter in the voting booth: "Should I pull the lever for an actual Democrat or should I pull the lever for the Republican who likes the Dems, but who's also pro-life and pro-Iraq-war? Hmmmm ..."

Thus, McCain's moderation will actually drive voters to vote for the Democratic candidate in November.

In other words, a moderate Republican in Congress is one thing, a moderate Republican in November does nothing but water down, not strengthen, the Republican party - and encourage the liberals to choose the "truely liberal Democratic candidate."

Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Ego-trip of the nea-sayers "not electable" comments

I'm coming to realize that when a person (or RMSM - Republican Main Stream Media) says that they'd consider voting for Huckabee, except that he's "not electable," that what they really mean is this:

"I don't want to vote for someone who might lose. I only want to vote for someone for whom I am assured of a win."

Which then translates into:

"I only want to be on winning teams - no matter what. As long as my team and my guy win, the rest - the substance, the character - is irrelevant."

This "I want a guaranteed win" mentallity is part of what is wrong with America today. Why?

1. It's short-term and short-sighted and immediate-gratification only.

2. It ignores the work and the effort part of the equation. It would be much better to say "I want to be on the team that has the best skills and gives the best effort, and I hope a win is the end result of that work and effort." This is the mentallity that is so sorely lacking in our society today. We blame and point to the kids and young adults, but obviously, the adults are modeling this behavior for the kids.

3. Nothing is guaranteed. Everything involves risk - especially in America. This is just another example of people wanting to be spoon-fed an easy, risk-free life. They don't want to work or commit without their desired result being guaranteed. What's surprising is that this demeanor is coming from the Republicans, who stand for personal-responsibility.

So, it's really not about Mike Huckabee at all.

It's about the frailty of the speaker's ego.

Be an example of a person with character, vote for Mike Huckabee, not your ego.


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

FREE "Kids' Bank Book"

MY FUNDRAISER FOR YOUR FRIENDS WHO DON'T EVEN KNOW OR DON'T CARE WHO HUCKABEE IS – How to Raise a lot of money for Mike Huckabee (between now & Super Tues):


I am giving away a FREE copy of my e-book, "Kids' Bank Book" (over 100 pages, plus charts, appendices, etc.) to anyone who donates $27 (the usual price) to the Huckabee for President campaign.

Here's what to do:

1. Donate $27 to Huckabee for President using my donor code R5666, go to:

Or, by going directly to Mike Huckabee’s Official Campaign Website & clicking on the “Donate” button & entering Donor Code R5666

2. Email me ( that you’ve done that - and give me the date & the email address that you used for the donation

3. I will email you the link to a FREE copy of the "Kids' Bank Book"

PLEASE FORWARD this email to your friends & family who have children (or grandchildren) and who could benefit from teaching their children wise money management with fun, ease and laughter.

THE BEAUTY OF THIS FUNDRAISER? You can send it to all of your friends, family and co-workers - even those who don't know who Mike is, even those who don't know what a primary is, even those who don't know that this is a Presidential Election year! - because if they have kids or grandchildren or neices/nephews or godchildren, THEY will want the book - and YOU will be helping Mike. And then they can forward the email to their friends and family – viral fundraising!

[Just copy the part between the lines above & paste it to your email & send to your email list & you’re off and running!]

LET’S GIVE AWAY 100,000 copies & raise 2.7 million dollars. HERE WE GO ...


Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his Supporters All the Best,

SIGNS $1 EACH: [url][/url]

BLOG: [url][/url]



Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ordinary People Rising Above Expectations

It's when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached. - Mike Huckabee

I am soooo looking forward to the night of November 4, 2008 when all of the Republican-MSM-nea-sayers say, "Well, Huckabee did it, he really did!"

Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

ASK NOT . . .

ASK NOT what the Mike Huckabee can do for you, its supporters. Rather,
ASK what YOU can do for the Mike Huckabee campaign.


Can you:

1. Donate $25 real dollars now?
2. Can you find a Ranger to match it now?
3. Can you donate $100 dollars now in lieu of the extra candles & chotskies that you’ll mindlessly acquire over the next 4 weeks?
4. Can you buy & put up 20 signs/posters (@ $1 each w/free shipping) around your neighborhood?
5. If not, can you sew a small fabric banner, or glue a felt banner, like Betsy did over 200 years ago?
6. Can you hang it on your front door? Front porch? Back porch? Garage door? Shed? Outside or inside your apartment window?
7. If not, can you make a few signs on white poster board with permanent markers or poster paint and do the same?
8. Can you staple, super-glue, or duck-tape them to a piece of wood or metal and hammer/stamp it into the ground in the road-frontage in front of your children’s schools? Your workplace? Your supermarket? Your favorite strip-mall? Your busiest intersection? Your local coffee shop? Your nearest Starbucks? Your local home improvement store?
9. Can you put the sign near the group mail boxes in your development?
10. If not, can you write on your back windshield in special markers?
11. If not, can you have printed in full color & hand out 200 fliers from one of the campaign’s pre-fab fliers?
12. If not, can you drive while a fellow Huckabee supporter hands out fliers or tacks up signs?
13. If not, can you do the handing out and the tacking while others drive & have them printed?
14. If not, can you go to the MeetUp to encourage and cheer on and support those who can?
15. If not, can you host a MeetUp on Thursday January 24th (or the next debate date) to all watch the Debate together and get excited and make plans?
16. If not, can you do the same at a local diner/sports bar?
17. If not, can you get someone (like me) to make a ton of b&w fliers on eye-catching color paper (& mail to you @ no charge) and then you can hand them out or canvas a neighborhood with them or post on bulletin boards?
18. If not, can you simply black-and-white photocopy a handful of them to post on a few local bulletin boards & opportune places?
19. If not, can you print or write a few copies of why you like Mike Huckabee for President and hand them out to your favorite local business owners?
20. How about to your school board members?
21. How about to your town council members?
22. How about (for NJ residents) to your local freeholders?
23. If not, can you call, write, email or fax a note to your state senator or representative about why you are voting for Mike Huckabee and why you want him/her to vote for Mike too, and why you want them to endorse Mike too?
24. If not, can you write and fax or email or mail a 3 sentence letter to the editor of your local newspaper about why you are voting for Mike Huckabee?
25. If not, can you write and fax or email or mail a 3 sentence letter to the free weekly newspaper that you get with the mail, you know the one with coupons and circulars and the one that follows the local school sports and honor rolls?
26. If not, can you get an Avery Labels package of iron-on t-shirt decals and print on your home color ink-jet, or have printed at your local or chain (kinkos, staples) printer, and iron it onto a t-shirt or sweatshirt?
27. Can you wear the shirt at your or your friend’s Super Bowl party?
28. If not, can you bring a few printed out fliers to the Super Bowl party?
29. Can you think of the TOP 3 REASONS why you like Mike and cut and paste those reasons from the fliers or issue statements onto a Word document so that it prints 4 to a page and you can cut them up & have them ready to hand out wherever you go in the next 2 days?
30. If not, can you bring a typed, handwritten or printed-out personal note or flier (or combination) to every church, temple, mosque or other place of worship in your town and introduce yourself and tell them you like Mike and leave them the note/flier to find out why?
31. If not, can you write a little note card (the kind for thank you notes) in your own personal handwriting about why you like Mike with a website reference and leave it for your neighbors on their doorsteps?
32. Can you mail the same note card to every person in your town and the surrounding towns that you know?
33. Can you mail it to everyone on your Christmas card or holiday card list?
34. Can you mail it to every professional and business that you did business with last year? Your veterinarian, pet-groomer, pet-store-owner, dog-walker, kennel/pet boarding place, doctor, specialist, dentist, orthodontist, pediatrician, chiropractor, optometrist, pharmacist, yoga instructor, therapist/counselor, local book seller, plumber, electrician, handyman, home improvements person, pool company, pest control guy, housekeeper/cleaning person, caterer, deli, bakery owner, favorite local ice cream shop, local small business garden center, mortgage rep, accountant, book-keeper, banker, investment advisor, wills lawyer, real estate lawyer, traffic court lawyer, business lawyer, hardware store, cell phone person, interior decorator, home-stager, real estate agent, home owners insurance agent, workers comp insur agt, health insur agt, life insur agt, car insur agt, personal trainer, gym, karate dojo, each coach/instructor of every extra-curricular activities of the kids, health food store owner and health supplement provider, snow-plow guy, lawn care people, landscaper, mason/wall repair, asphalt/driveway service people, local stone/patio supplier, car salesperson, furniture sales person, local light-fixtures shop owner, local horse-stables & horseback riding academy owner, florist, hair-stylist/barber, massage therapist, local business card printer, large-screen-HD-tv salesperson, business/personal gift-basket salesperson, business promotional products rep, spring-water-distributor/deliverer, water-softener servicing company/deliverer, favorite local pizza place, favorite specialty seafood store, specialty meats store, specialty cheese and fine foods tore, dry-cleaners, tailor, shoe-repair person, favorite local gift shop, favorite local kids toys/crafts store, favorite local discount shoes store, local quilt shop, local bait shop, local sporting store, local paint-your-own ceramics shop, house-wares store, business continuing-ed instructor, airport-limo service, photographer, jeweler, DJ, computer repair person, computer salesperson, auto mechanic, auto-body repair shop owner, gas attendant/station owner, garbage collectors, mailman, newspaper delivery person, favorite local radio station DJ or CEO, local tv channel CEO (you know the one with the scrolling community announcements), local chamber of commerce, local better business bureau clerks, local service organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.), favorite small business local clothes store owner/manager, etc.
35. Can you make 50 phone calls to Florida?
36. If not, can you make 25 phone calls to Florida?
37. If not, can you check up on, encourage, or bring brownies to someone who is making phone calls?
38. If not, can you end every in-person and telephone conversation between now and Super Tuesday by telling the other person, “by the way, just wanted to let you know I’m voting for Mike Huckabee for President on Tuesday, I think’s he’s the next best thing to sliced bread!”?
39. If not, can you jot at the bottom of every post-it note that you give to someone “Huckabee ‘08” or “Vote on Super Tuesday”?
40. If not, can you send the most inspiring blog posting or press release from the official Huckabee for President website to the friend that it’s most appropriate for?
41. Can you put at the bottom that donating $25 to Huckabee’s campaign will go a long way to making this Country a better place?
42. If not, can you do a SIGN WAVE (stand alone or with friends at a busy corner, or busy place, like when worship lets out, holding a sign & waving to people) by yourself?
43. If not, can you do a sign wave with your kids?
44. If not, can you do a sign wave with those 2 or 3 special friends who’ll go and do anything anytime anywhere with you just because you asked?
45. If not, can you get together with your MeetUp group and do a sign wave this weekend?
46. If not, can you join 1, preferably 3, MeetUp groups?
47. Can you email to your MeetUp group all the cool info you find on the official Huckabee blog?
48. If not, can you visit lots of the other “unofficial” Huckabee blogs & leave comments so that those blogs get more traffic and are thus easier for web surfers to find?
49. If not, can you start a Huckabee MeetUp group in your area?
50. If not, can you receive a free copy of my “Kids’ Bank Book” e-book in exchange for making a donation of $27 to the Huckabee campaign under my Donor Code R5666 by going here - , and emailing me at
51. If not, can you forward this offer to 3 friends with kids who could really use the “Kids’ Bank Book”?
52. If not, can you ask someone like me for help, by emailing me at, on doing any one of these 50, or any other Huckabee-supporting idea?
53. If not, can you visit and listen to the music and envision Mike Huckabee taking the oath of office of the President of the United States of America in January 2009, and hold that thought for 1 minute?
54. If not, can you remember Mike Huckabee in your family’s dinner prayers of thanksgiving?
55. If not, can you smile 5 times tomorrow while envisioning Mike Huckabee being announced on November 4, 2008 as the Next President of the United States of America?
56. If not, can you be still and pray for Mike Huckabee for just this moment?


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Monday, January 21, 2008

What Does LEADERSHIP look like?

For me, Mike Huckabee is Right On! with all the issues I care about most - taxes, economy, war against terror, immigration, health care and education.

But this video is a perfect example of why Mike Huckabee inspires me.

Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike