Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why I LOVE the FairTax plan

I love the FairTax plan because:

1. Most Importantly - It aligns the taxation of the American People with the core values of America. What do I mean by that? I mean that America is founded and developed and led the World because we are innovators and entrepreneurs. We all grow up admiring Ben Franklin's love for experiments and business development - and his deep sense of personal responsibility.

Mike Huckabee is right - when we tax income, we are taxing our productivity, our creativity, our ingenuity, our American spark. And, taxing productivity is, well, ... counter-productive.

Why don't smart, creative, hard working people instantly grab every opportunity to make more money - to get from middle class to upper class to independent wealth? Because we bump into the whole "higher tax bracket" quandry. At some point, it is inefficient to earn more because the increased net after tax income is less than the risks and sacrifice associated with the added opportunity.

Imagine an America where self-employed people aren't trying to actually "show" less income. Here's a novel idea - let's have a society where we actually can be proud of and brag about the profits/rewards of our ideas & the risks we accepted - in any way we want - rather than "play them down" by endlessly searching for deductions. Why give innovative entrepreneurs and self-employed people an internal struggle? Do away with income tax and you foster Brand New Era of American ingenuity and productivity.

And, then there's the flipside. Taxes on consumption. Great! Because I'm not a big spender! (my 10+ year old couch is evidence of that)

So, Huckabee's support for the FairTax is a pathway to what would be a wonderful day for America -

We, the People, would be COMPLETELY in charge of what happens to the money that we earn, that we make, and the money that our money makes!

THAT is what true fiscal conservatism is about - empowering the individual's ability to create, choose and use wisely.

[And, contrarily, fiscal liberalism is about enabling and coddling the individual because government believes that the individual isn't smart, strong or courageous enough to handle the supposed mine-field of risk/reward decisions for him/herself.]

Never, ever, in our lifetimes, or at least 3 generations back, has this ever happened.

Just think about how much time and energy goes into thinking and talking and planning around income taxes - IRAs, 401ks, limitations on retirement investments (e.g. real estate), etc.

Imagine how free & inspired everyone would feel to earn as much money as they want - and to spend it, invest it, grow it, risk it, save it, as they see fit.

Now, that's a Brave New World!


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

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