Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Trend? Republican MSM predictions have been wrong for the last year!

J.M. posted this very wise article on the Offical Mike Huckabee for President blog:


It's interesting how many intelligent people keep calling the Republican race. I hate to state the obvious, but the current obvious trends in the race say NOTHING about what it might be in a week...a month....six months.

Romnney says "Facts are persistent." Here's one. Nationally, Romney and Huckabee are tied in a statistical dead heat.

Here's another. Delegate counts have Romney and Huckabee in a relatively tight race---considering only 8% of the delegates are in and Huckabee stands to do VERY WELL Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Missouri, and West Virginia.

Take Fox News for example. If Fox is still doing journalism, 'balance' and 'fairness' would require them to at least admit these facts.

No wild-eyed rants, just a sober prediction. Fox has been calling the race all year--first for Guliani, then for Thompson, now for McCain/Romney. Fox has tended to be wrong. I wonder if there is a trend no one's noticing. Is it possible that Fox's attempts to sway the race are backfiring, as viewers sense in each case--Guliani, Thompson, Romney, McCain-- that Fox is stepping a bit beyond journalistic integrity?

If that is the actual trend---Fox keeps calling the race, voters decide to prove them wrong---they might want to sit up and take notice, or they might just "predict" Mike Huckabee right into the White House.

Not that this would be a bad thing--as an Arkansas Reagan-Limbaugh-Huckabee conservative, I know which Republican turned Arkansas around after years of the Clintons running our state into the ground. The USA could use the same kind of turnaround.


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Would Ronald Reagan Support Mike Huckabee? (from the CA Reagan Library Debate)


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Friday, February 1, 2008

NJ FOR HUCKABEE RALLY Saturday Feb. 2nd 2PM Summit, NJ

Join us at the NJ for Huckabee Rally in Summit New Jersey, on Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.

If you're using to get directions, use this address:

360 Broad Street
Summit, NJ 07901

Email me at markham (at) if you have any questions.

Here's more information about the WHYs & WHATs of the NJ FOR HUCKABEE RALLY:

1. WHY GO?
- Important for Media to see 100+ people & for them to hear it direct from US why Mike s/b the NEXT POTUS

- Increase morale for Huck fans around the Country – when the bloggers post positive “we got exposure for Huck”, the Grassroots activity around the Country heats up even more!

- The Candidates & the Voters are asleep in NJ, people! We can use it to OUR ADVANTAGE!

- A lot of Rudy fans absolutely will not pull the lever for McCain & need more info about Huckabee

- McCain voters might take his “lead” for granted & not vote at all; there’s virually no Romney NJ presence at all & there won’t be.

- NJ GRASSROOTS – will be left to us – HUCKABEE – and ONLY US!


- speakers – media (interviewing & photo’g us) – sign waves – snacks, drinks – fliers – DVDs – music – corny stuff – raise $$ - & oppty to:
- Coordinate between ourselves & exchange info/ideas/stuff, such as, Do
you know where your polls are? Do you have signs to plant there? Etc.

- Other Huckabee Supporters will see us & stop by & be thrilled to see the energy & the presence of Huckabee in NJ & get supplies – which of course in turn will spurr them on to get out the vote. Not-yet-Huck people will ask questions & get info & share w/their friends.

- Imagine if the NJ exit polls actually had feedback like “I voted for
Mike Huckabee because he was the only one to actually have any campaign
outreach here.”


(A) RSVP on NOW!

(B) BRING PEOPLE – kids are great at rallies, so are spouses and friends
(even if they’re not a Huck fan, tell them you need help carrying the
stuff & you need company)

(C) SIGN UP NOW to BRING SNACKS – bought or baked – doesn’t matter


(E) BRING YOUR SIGNS & home-made banners/posters.

(F) BRING LITERATURE to share if possible

REMEMBER, if you know you'll be there, we'd love to hear from you ( & we'll be looking forward to meeting you!

GO MIKE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

NJ Right to Life Endorses Mike Huckabee

As of January 31, 2008:

NJ Presidential Primary is Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - Know where the Candidates Stand on Life

New Jersey's Primary Election Date has been changed to February 5, 2008 to make our state more competitive in the selection of the Presidential nominees for President. Before you vote, please take the time to learn where the candidates stand on the issue of LIFE.


--Updated January 31, 2008

New Jersey Right to Life PAC Endorses Mike Huckabee for President

-- .com">I Like Mike

Sean Hannity Supports The Fair Tax

Hannity interviews the authors of The Fair Tax - and discusses all of the benefits! Hannity starts out saying that he SUPPORTS it! At the end, Hannity says he believes in The Fair Tax and wants to see it passed as a law! Watch it here:

Did you know that The Fair Tax is before the Congress right now?


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Cut Federal Gas Prices Now! (The Best Economic Stimulus Pkg & We Hope Huckabee Uses it to Win!)

Go here now:


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Romney LOANED $$$ to his Campaign - and wants Supporters to PAY IT BACK!

Some of us knew that Romney was too much flash and too little substance. Is this what "strong financial business experience" means for our Country?

No risk to the Star with extensive resoures, but all the burden on the already-burdened shoulders of the average American Supporters?

True colors shining through. Still want Romney? Consider this blog posting by Huckabee supporter LC:

"ROMNEY'S 4TH QUARTER NUMBERS...Mitt Romney LOANED his campaign $18 MILLION in the final quarter last year while raising an additional $9 million from individual contributions, marking the first time he's LOANED more money to his campaign than he raised from outside sources. For the year, Romney raised $53.5 million from individuals and LOANED his campaign roughly $35 million. Romney has also spent considerable amount of cash in the first five weeks of 2008, including a big new ad buy for Tsunami Tuesday, as reported yesterday....LOANED is the KEY TERM ...This means he expects to collect this money back from his contributors..Spending the money and asking his contributors to reimburse him....This is how our Financial Gurus work in Washington....They spend money then take it from you...Mike is not spending money he does not have...Is Romney really any different that what we have in Washington now......You have to decide..I would suggest you vote for Mike Huckabee.... "


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Thursday, January 31, 2008

LEADERSHIP - Convey big ideas with few words

A blogger on the Offical Mike Huckabee blog, Odiaz28, put it this way:

"After watching last night's debate I thought to myself, look at how much Governor Huckabee said in the short time he had to talk, and look at how much McCaaine and Romney didn't say in the hour they had to talk."

I agree completely!

Watch the entire debate here:

And watch how Nancy Reagan smiles at Mike Huckabee's comments, and especially at the end - you can just sort of see her affinity for Mike, and his demonstration of Reagan's inspirational and conversational nature.

AND you can see Gov. Schwarzenegger say "He's right." And you can see the people behind Gov. Schwarzenegger and Nancy Reagan nod and same the same thing in agreement. [People agree with Mike - even if you're not hearing Rush, Hannity or Ann say it. The agree with a guy who connects with all Republicans, the agree with a guy who's going to BE REAL, regardless of whether it's popular or whether it's accepted by the Republican MSM.]

And, another blogger (DH) on the Official Mike Huckabee website blog put it this way:

"McCain sounded like he is loosing his mind tonight, Ron Paul lost his mind a long time ago, and Romney is trying to figure out which of his minds the conservative base of the party would respond to most favorably."

Very, very true!


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

CNN Sr. Political Analyst Bill Schneider says Huckabee was the ONLY ONE to Gain Ground

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider:

"Huckabee, I think, stood out in this debate as the one who made sense, talked as ordinary people do, and rose above politics.

I think the one who really helped himself was Huckabee.

All in all: Huckabee gained ground, McCain probably lost ground, and Romney didn’t help or hurt himself – although he did effectively defend himself. McCain sounded petty – and that’s not the McCain voters know and like.

But to the extent that Huckabee may have made any gains from his performance, Romney’s got bigger worries out of tonight than the Arizona senator."


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Huckabee gets last word in CA Republican Debate - and the most eloquent and the most real

Huckabee summed up and demonstrated his role as a leader of this Country, and a leader among the Presidential Candidates tonight by delivering the following eloquent and real statement in response to the last question of tonight's debate - while the rest of the candidates focused, as usualy, on their pride, or arguing with each other. [The question was effectively, "Would Reagan endorse you if he were here today?" Mitt & McCain essentially said "yes," Ron Paul answered it sideways.]

"I think it would be incredibly presumptuous and even arrogant for me to try to suggest what Ronald Reagan would do, that he would endorse any of us against the others.

Let me just say this, I'm not going to pretend he would endorse me. I wish he would. I would love that, but I endorse him, and I'm going to tell you why.

It wasn't just his specific policies, but Ronald Reagan was something more than just a policy wonk. He was a man who loved this country, and he inspired this country to believe in itself again.

What made Ronald Reagan a great President was not just the intricacies of his policies, though they were good policies. It was that he loved America and saw it as a good nation and a great nation because of the greatness of its people.

And if we can recapture that, that's when we recapture the Reagan spirit. It's that spirit that has a can-do attitude about America's future and that makes us love our country whether we're Democrats or Republicans.

And that's what I believe Ronald Reagan did -- he brought this country back together and made us believe in ourselves.

And whether he believes in us, I hope we still believe in those things which made him a great leader and a great American."


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Full Throttle - by Mike Huckabee . . . and Delegates & "Electability"

FULL THROTTLE - by Mike Huckabee
January 30, 2008, 1:54 p.m.

Our campaign is full throttle toward Super Tuesday where a number of key Southern states, and other strong conservative states, are likely to add to our delegate count, which already had us in second place in delegates before Florida. I look forward to a healthy and constructive debate at the Reagan Library tonight as we discuss the conservative issues that matter to most Americans and will define our Party and our future.

We have a long way to go in this nominating process. When you look at what we have done, with what we have, it's a remarkable story that is not even close to being over. In fact, we like to believe we're just really getting started. I'm convinced that my optimistic message of hope and change will continue to resonate with voters as we head into Super Tuesday.


My comments? If you do the delegate calculus, Mike comes out on TOP, or at worst, in 2nd place - at the end of Super Tuesday - and then heads to huge support in Texas. For those who like Mike but worry about "electability," remember this! It's the Delegate count - and it's only just begun!

Also, he's the ONLY CANDIDATE to have BEATEN the Clinton Machine and the Democrat Machine - and more than once!
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

Monday, January 28, 2008

Trucker Randy - Getting the Word Out

Trucker Randy is a brave soul. He knows the real deal when he sees it - and it's Mike Huckabee. He has supported Mike in all sorts of selfless ways, including being the only "surrogate" at a straw-poll without a suit - and you know what? Much like Mike Huckabee, people connected and related to him! He speaks from the heart. Now, Randy is truckin' around the USA with Mike Huckabee signs on his truck - and he's handing out hundreds of more signs to truckers across the Country! The MSM - correct that - the MSM AND the Republican MSM have Noooooo idea that Mike Huckabee will be the Next President of the United States - but we do! There must be countless reasons why this fact scares the heck out of RepMSM. I don't know the reasons (I could guess, and certainly others have), but I do know that it's a shame that when authenticity appears, American media/entertainment becomes blind. Thank goodness, the rest of us "know it when we see it!"

BTW, have you noticed - especially in the FL debate last week - that the other Republican candidates have picked up Mike's words "good steward" and "stewardship." These are people who have never spoken about their faith during this election, and they're using a faith-term - it's amazing. Like Mike, I'm not resentful - I'm glad that WE (Mike) is setting the standard - and they are following - which means WE (Mike) must be LEADING!

Anyway, if you want to see what real stewardship is, look at Mike Huckabee's campaign. If you want to see true conservative economics at work - i.e. people accomplishing more with their own money than a big corporation would - look at Mike Huckabee's campaign. Randy is a perfect example!

Road Update from Trucker Randy:

Randy was on the road about noon today, Sunday 1/27 near Purcel , Oklahoma, just south of Oklahoma City. Everywhere he stops, truckers are grabbing up the signs.

Randy is still headed for Laredo, Texas with the IBM computers made in Minnesota and sold to Mexico. On his way there he is going to the San Antonio Airport to pick up the Lady from England Paula Jacobs who is flying in to ride along on his journey across America for Mike Huckabee to help distribute the signs to truckers!

Paula's husband has given her the birthday present of a trip to America to help Randy pass out the signs to Truckers. She is scheduled to arrive at 6 PM. Paula is an American who moved to England about 14 years ago and her Mother lives in Dayton, Ohio. Paula has made an effort to keep up with what is happening in America and in doing so has a good knowledge of what is happening in this election and who is the best Presidential candidate running this year, Mike Huckabee!!

Randy received a call from Adam McManus of KSLR San Antonio Radio at
to get an update of Randy's truckin for Mike. Adam is excited about Randy and his Quest. Randy mentioned he was coming to San Antonio to pick up Paula. Adam asked if Randy would like to have a tour of the radio station!

Then Adam mentions how Randy will have a hard time getting into the airport with his rig and offered to take Randy to get Paula and take them out for dinner! God is mapping out before Randy!

3:00 PM- Trucker Randy has reached Fort Worth Texas with an event that has happened. A pickup pulled up along side Randy and got Randy's attention to pull over. Randy obliged. The gentleman came up and asked Randy where he got the 'Trucks for Huckabee' signs? He knew all about Governor Huckabee, was totally excited to support Mike and wanted to get some signs like Randy has on his Trucks! Randy told him the story and the Owner of the Trucking Company took signs for all of his Texas Fleet, over fifty Trucks!!!

Randy is able to listen to Fox News on his radio and heard Mike's interview on Mike Wallace at 2 PM EST today. He wants everyone to tune into it at the repeat time of 6 PM EST and listen to the best interview Mike has done to date. Randy says to record it and show it to everyone , family, friends, and neighbors!

We talked about Governor Huckabee's specific plans for the economy tying it to the infrastructure. Randy got so excited to hear about Mike's new Blogg post. ... og_id=1279

Not only will it create some great paying construction jobs, but the I-95 corridor is so crowded. Randy used to haul Blue Berries from Maine to Florida, but he traffic was impossible. Randy thinks the network of the truckers, the largest connected network in the USA, will be very happy to hear about the plan! Randy has a son Brent who lives in Jacksonville Florida and when Brent takes I-95 to work, a 20 minute trip takes 1.5 hours.

More on Trucker Randy coming up, with his itinerary for the days up to Super Tuesday, with more on his adventures in his Quest across America to elect our next President of the USA Mike Huckabee!

A sidenote, in Florida, the meetups are doing sign waving and truckers are all blowing their horns for Mike!!!


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike