It's amazing how perplexed with fear McCain, the media, the old school GOP and even some Americans are by actual authenticity when it appears. Having so very little experience with authenticity in our society, our relationships, our media - and especially in the political arena - the average reaction to Huckabee's authenticity and depth of character, honesty and integrity is to look for an alterior motive, an undisclosed strategy, a secret passage to hidden agendas. When in reality the answer is that Mike Huckabee is simply participating in the American democratic process the way it is meant to be done.
To people who are used to deception, lies, half-truths, back-stabbing, one day here, the next day gone, and "oh by the way I changed my mind from yesterday," game-playing, the authentic, integrity-filled, promise-keeper Mike Huckabee poses a huge challenge to our current cultural and political PARADIGM, which is based on just the opposite.
How can you identify those people who are so disconnected from their own authentic self, their own inner strength? They are the ones who try to guess at Mike Huckabee's agenda, rather than believe the actual consistent statements that he has made over and over.
And, by the way Phil, you have misrepresented his statement - one of his reasons for finishing the race is for the Rest of America's VOICE to be heard, not his own. But, your Freudian slip, which is the same as those of the Good Ole Boy GOP, is indicative of the current malaise of American society and politics - you just assume it's about his ego, rather than his stated purpose - to serve the American people, to honor his commitment to the American people, and to use his best efforts to do what he thinks is best for America - to lead the US as its 44th President.
And, this GOP primary is also indicative of the short-term memory and attention span of our culture and politics. The purpose of the primary is to contest each other. The original purpose of the Convention is to contest each other, and therein reach a nominee conclusion. In trying to avoid the Contest and thus the risk, the GOP is exercising the same fatal flaw as the Dem's who would have American's avoid personal responsibility by obviating risk. The GOP & the media are trying to convince Americans that it's a zero-sum gain of butter v. guns (i.e. primary v national campaign), when in reality just the opposite is true. However, if the GOP were to expose the truth that a 2 man GOP primary race actually gives McCain more practice now in communicating, debating, and connecting with the American people before his supposed nomination and his supposed Presidential victory, then that would mean that McCain (& now the GOP big-wigs) would have to accept a RISK - and they don't want to do that because they fear losing. They want to jump ship now - the "ship" of the American democratic process.
It's not about "the good of the Party" - there is no "good of the Party" if there is no "good of America." And America is torn down, not raised up, by the childish manipulation games of McCain & the GOP to avoid the American Way of diligence, hard work, effort - and yes, RISK.
And still, allow me to reiterate the obvious Phil, it's about connecting with All Americans and winning the GOP nomination at a Contested Convention. Huckabee may win on the VERY FIRST VOTE at the Convention - especially after he gives his down-to-Earth eloquent speech (remember the wisdom of his Reagan endorsement speech that concluded the Reagan Library debate) and McCain gives his watching-paint-dry-is-better-than-this monologue. Or, like Abe Lincoln, he may win on the 3rd ballot. Why does Huckabee want to win at the Convention? Because he believes that he is the best man to:
1. Beat the Democrats in the National Election
2. Lead the United States of America for the Next 4 Years as the 44th POTUS
I agree with Huckabee on these 2 points. And so do millions of others. And if the childish, passive-aggressive manipulation tactics ended, and McCain, the GOP and the media sent a message to Americans that they actually REALLY DO VALUE the opinion of Americans, we would find that millions more Americans would speak up and say that they too find Huckabee's wisdom, authenticity, commitment, and character refreshing, necessary and valuable for Our Great Nation, and that they want it to lead us for the next 4 years.
Our Society is paralyzed by fear and confusion when presented by the very real authenticity of Mike Huckabee. And, McCain, the GOP & the media seek to take advantage of that state of shock by telling Americans, as the Wizard of Oz did, "don't look at that man behind the curtain," just focus on your fear - your fear that the authenticity and character can not possibly be real, and that you will be disappointed - just as all of us, and all the others have been. But Dorothy overcame her fear, and so the American people are overcoming theirs - even while McCain, the GOP & the media look on in disbelief.
[BTW, to Phil & readers, not only am I not an evangelical, I have a spirituality more in alignment with the concept of all of that New Age "Divine Source" stuff that Dyer, Williamson, etc. speak/write of. I don't agree w/Huckabee on the "family values" issues, but I do on every other issue. I've never been very interested in politics - just US history, never supported, campaigned for or donated to a candidate, nor was I ever a registered anything before this election. I didn't even know Huckabee's name until I half-watched a Fall 07 debate with my husband, and Huckabee mentioned the FairTax concept - and I said, "Who was that guy?"]
American's can do more than just settle this year - they can choose THE BEST man for the 44th President of the US. Allow the process to work.
Want to read more about what I think on this topic & why, go to my blog at
[This post was originally posted on]
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
Saturday, February 16, 2008
New Age Truths & the GOP
Marianne Williamson has some wonderful spiritual writings, somewhat based on “A Course in Miracles,” and one of the ideas is that “you are either acting out of fear or love,” (which I completely believe). When you act out of fear, you’re operating from your weakness, and you lose. “Hell” is when you act out of fear, and thus you cause a “disconnect” from your Divine Source; “Heaven” is available to you on Earth when you do the opposite.
For a while now it’s been obvious to me that McCain is acting out of fear – and most recently, to an extreme. Everyone sees the irony in this, given that his proudest prong of his platform is military strength. The more that McCain allows the GOP to pressure the candidates & Americans into naming a nominee prior to the RNC, the more obvious it is that McCain is acting out of fear. The GOP is acting out of a similar fear.
What is McCain afraid of?
- He’s afraid he can’t beat the Dems without a head start.
- He’s afraid of looking bad @ the Convention.
- He’s afraid of struggling with limited time & resources for the remainder of the primaries.
- He’s afraid of losing in a debate.
- He’s afraid of struggling.
- He’s afraid of losing.
- He’s afraid he’ll have to leave the gentile election strategy and get vicious, thus making him “just like all the others” who ran a negative campaign.
- He’s afraid that 3 ½ more months of speaking with Americans face-to-face will push him over the edge.
- He’s afraid that 6 ½ more months of media coverage will catch him behaving badly.
- He’s afraid of losing in the first ballot after the remaining candidates give their speeches.
- He’s afraid his real answer to the tough questions about his failed Amnesty Plan, McCain-Feingold, and Gang of 14 won’t win over real Republicans.
- He’s afraid not enough people will like just him on his own 2 feet & he needs others to buttress him.
- He’s afraid he can’t speak to the issues without being able to “name-drop” and say that his is good at such-and-such, “just ask my friend, ____.”
- He’s afraid that he will lose if he stands on his own 2 feet.
And, you know what, he’s right! “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!”
There is no “unite the GOP” coming out of mainstream America. Mainstream America loves having a voice – that’s what created the now-GOP-MSM talk-radio. Mainstream America knows that Debate is a good thing. Mainstream America is strong enough to handle Competition.
Mike Huckabee is operating out of character, authenticity, and inner-strength rather than fear. Americans know this – so does the GOP, the Dem’s and the media. They have desperately cried out for it over and over in our political arena, but are shocked into paralysis and disbelief when confronted with its reality. To justify their own disbelief and fear, they point to labels that they say they don’t like (“evangelical”, because after all they are free of prejudice, except to those evangelicals – New Age-er’s, Marianne Williamson & “The Secret” are more socially accepted & embraced than those feared and hated “evangelicals.”), rather than forcing themselves to be inspired by – and embrace - this example of character and authenticity.
So, what is happening is that each individual American is experiencing an internal dialogue, possibly a struggle – whether to overcome their shock and awe at being presented with the long-awaited authentic, character-filled, great communicator candidate operating from strength, and embrace him, (the “Not Me” crowd) or whether to join the fear-filled others, (the “Me Too” crowd) the ones who are more famous, more “wise,” more “clout” people who chant “unite” to camouflage their real message of “act on your fear” and “disregard that man behind the curtain.”
As my sister often utters the New Age saying of, “What you resists, persists,” – and she’s RIGHT! The more the GOP persists on imposing McCain as the winner before the RNC, the more the reality of a better candidate, Huckabee will persist – THANK GOD!!!
My non-evangelical spirituality in politics thought for the day – in case any more pundits wanted to misrepresent Huckabee’s base as “evangelical” again.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
For a while now it’s been obvious to me that McCain is acting out of fear – and most recently, to an extreme. Everyone sees the irony in this, given that his proudest prong of his platform is military strength. The more that McCain allows the GOP to pressure the candidates & Americans into naming a nominee prior to the RNC, the more obvious it is that McCain is acting out of fear. The GOP is acting out of a similar fear.
What is McCain afraid of?
- He’s afraid he can’t beat the Dems without a head start.
- He’s afraid of looking bad @ the Convention.
- He’s afraid of struggling with limited time & resources for the remainder of the primaries.
- He’s afraid of losing in a debate.
- He’s afraid of struggling.
- He’s afraid of losing.
- He’s afraid he’ll have to leave the gentile election strategy and get vicious, thus making him “just like all the others” who ran a negative campaign.
- He’s afraid that 3 ½ more months of speaking with Americans face-to-face will push him over the edge.
- He’s afraid that 6 ½ more months of media coverage will catch him behaving badly.
- He’s afraid of losing in the first ballot after the remaining candidates give their speeches.
- He’s afraid his real answer to the tough questions about his failed Amnesty Plan, McCain-Feingold, and Gang of 14 won’t win over real Republicans.
- He’s afraid not enough people will like just him on his own 2 feet & he needs others to buttress him.
- He’s afraid he can’t speak to the issues without being able to “name-drop” and say that his is good at such-and-such, “just ask my friend, ____.”
- He’s afraid that he will lose if he stands on his own 2 feet.
And, you know what, he’s right! “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!”
There is no “unite the GOP” coming out of mainstream America. Mainstream America loves having a voice – that’s what created the now-GOP-MSM talk-radio. Mainstream America knows that Debate is a good thing. Mainstream America is strong enough to handle Competition.
Mike Huckabee is operating out of character, authenticity, and inner-strength rather than fear. Americans know this – so does the GOP, the Dem’s and the media. They have desperately cried out for it over and over in our political arena, but are shocked into paralysis and disbelief when confronted with its reality. To justify their own disbelief and fear, they point to labels that they say they don’t like (“evangelical”, because after all they are free of prejudice, except to those evangelicals – New Age-er’s, Marianne Williamson & “The Secret” are more socially accepted & embraced than those feared and hated “evangelicals.”), rather than forcing themselves to be inspired by – and embrace - this example of character and authenticity.
So, what is happening is that each individual American is experiencing an internal dialogue, possibly a struggle – whether to overcome their shock and awe at being presented with the long-awaited authentic, character-filled, great communicator candidate operating from strength, and embrace him, (the “Not Me” crowd) or whether to join the fear-filled others, (the “Me Too” crowd) the ones who are more famous, more “wise,” more “clout” people who chant “unite” to camouflage their real message of “act on your fear” and “disregard that man behind the curtain.”
As my sister often utters the New Age saying of, “What you resists, persists,” – and she’s RIGHT! The more the GOP persists on imposing McCain as the winner before the RNC, the more the reality of a better candidate, Huckabee will persist – THANK GOD!!!
My non-evangelical spirituality in politics thought for the day – in case any more pundits wanted to misrepresent Huckabee’s base as “evangelical” again.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
5 REASONS Why Mike Huckabee Must Take this All the Way to the RNC
MD, VA & DC were always supposed to go to McCain, but nevertheless, we would have preferred to have the VA delegates & momentum in our column. While everyone is back to speculating (except for Greta - I give her alot of credit for assuming that Mike will move on to the next contest) about Mike's future, here are my
5 REASONS Why Mike Huckabee Must Take this race All the Way to the RNC:
1. Mike is authentic - and he's made a promise, and he'll stick to it. It's unAmerican to quit, and a marathon runner doesn't quit.
2. It WOULD HURT (not help) the Rep Pty to lose the competition element - heck w/only Huckabee as competition, McCain did almost nothing for the last few days except point to endorsements - the Republicans will absolutely LOSE the National Election if that's what he does for the next 7 months & the Dems (esp. Obama) gets all the press for 7 months.
3. Also, IF McCain is going to follow Rove & Newt's advice to talk to the Rep base, then the only way he's going to do it is be forced to BE ARTICULATE & inspiring about the issues now - both of which he's BAD at doing. So, Huckabee forcing him to do it a little bit more just helps THE ULTIMATE NOMINEE & THE PARTY - b/c that's what the nominee will need to do absolutely brilliantly after Labor Day.
Those are my thoughts about why Huckabee passionately pursuing the race to the RNC is important - except for 2 more:
4. MIKE NEEDS TO WIN @ THE RNC BECAUSE - if the RNC nominates McCain the Republicans will lose in a landslide to the Dems in Nov. WHY? Did you see Obama's inspired & psyched crowd tonight? Did you hear the passion & enthusiasm in his voice? THEN Did you see McCain? The man has not been worn out campaigning & has had a couple days to prepare this speech - and THAT'S what he delivers??!!!! THINK ABOUT THIS - he had the same tone of voice of Huckabee - and Huckabee was disappointed & McCain won!!?? There is NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY McCain can win v. the Dems!!!!
{flashback: Ford v. Carter 1976 = utter failure – in Nov & next 4 yrs}
5. What’s the Other Reason Mike Huckabee needs to win the RNC or else the Republicans will lose to the Dems? Here’s why: If the RNC nominates McCain (then Huckabee being an honorable man will back the nominee), then I along with most of my fellow Reps, will vote for the Republican nominee. BUT, here’s what will be missing – the passion & enthusiasm of a HUGE part of the Rep Party to Get Out the Vote! And, in the face of an inspired Obama following & fired-up Dems who will do everything possible to GOTV, the Dems will win. Want a recent example? Here it is: A few days ago, Huckabee was down about 20 points to McCain in VA. [Think of that as the Reps being down 20 points to the Dems in the Fall.] How did that margin narrow to 9 points? Because of the passion & enthusiasm of the Huckabee supporters with grassroots, with rallies, with signs, with fliers & energy to GOTV!!! McCain simply is not capable of rallying that enthusiasm & passion in the Republican and/or conservative base – and without it, the Reps will lose in Nov.
DID THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HEAR THAT? I’ll say it again & I’m sure Mike will say it in a more eloquent articulate way @ the RNC –
McCain simply is not capable of rallying that enthusiasm & passion in the Republican and/or conservative base – and without it, the Reps will lose in Nov.
MIKE, NOW YOU KNOW exactly why I believe in you going all the way to the FINISH LINE!!!!!
GO MIKE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
5 REASONS Why Mike Huckabee Must Take this race All the Way to the RNC:
1. Mike is authentic - and he's made a promise, and he'll stick to it. It's unAmerican to quit, and a marathon runner doesn't quit.
2. It WOULD HURT (not help) the Rep Pty to lose the competition element - heck w/only Huckabee as competition, McCain did almost nothing for the last few days except point to endorsements - the Republicans will absolutely LOSE the National Election if that's what he does for the next 7 months & the Dems (esp. Obama) gets all the press for 7 months.
3. Also, IF McCain is going to follow Rove & Newt's advice to talk to the Rep base, then the only way he's going to do it is be forced to BE ARTICULATE & inspiring about the issues now - both of which he's BAD at doing. So, Huckabee forcing him to do it a little bit more just helps THE ULTIMATE NOMINEE & THE PARTY - b/c that's what the nominee will need to do absolutely brilliantly after Labor Day.
Those are my thoughts about why Huckabee passionately pursuing the race to the RNC is important - except for 2 more:
4. MIKE NEEDS TO WIN @ THE RNC BECAUSE - if the RNC nominates McCain the Republicans will lose in a landslide to the Dems in Nov. WHY? Did you see Obama's inspired & psyched crowd tonight? Did you hear the passion & enthusiasm in his voice? THEN Did you see McCain? The man has not been worn out campaigning & has had a couple days to prepare this speech - and THAT'S what he delivers??!!!! THINK ABOUT THIS - he had the same tone of voice of Huckabee - and Huckabee was disappointed & McCain won!!?? There is NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY McCain can win v. the Dems!!!!
{flashback: Ford v. Carter 1976 = utter failure – in Nov & next 4 yrs}
5. What’s the Other Reason Mike Huckabee needs to win the RNC or else the Republicans will lose to the Dems? Here’s why: If the RNC nominates McCain (then Huckabee being an honorable man will back the nominee), then I along with most of my fellow Reps, will vote for the Republican nominee. BUT, here’s what will be missing – the passion & enthusiasm of a HUGE part of the Rep Party to Get Out the Vote! And, in the face of an inspired Obama following & fired-up Dems who will do everything possible to GOTV, the Dems will win. Want a recent example? Here it is: A few days ago, Huckabee was down about 20 points to McCain in VA. [Think of that as the Reps being down 20 points to the Dems in the Fall.] How did that margin narrow to 9 points? Because of the passion & enthusiasm of the Huckabee supporters with grassroots, with rallies, with signs, with fliers & energy to GOTV!!! McCain simply is not capable of rallying that enthusiasm & passion in the Republican and/or conservative base – and without it, the Reps will lose in Nov.
DID THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HEAR THAT? I’ll say it again & I’m sure Mike will say it in a more eloquent articulate way @ the RNC –
McCain simply is not capable of rallying that enthusiasm & passion in the Republican and/or conservative base – and without it, the Reps will lose in Nov.
MIKE, NOW YOU KNOW exactly why I believe in you going all the way to the FINISH LINE!!!!!
GO MIKE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
Cinderella Man 2.0 (by DBZWarriors)
Makes you wonder just how many more times the media & the competition are going to get it wrong . . . Remember,
"You're going to have to beat me, because you're not going to discourage me." - Mike Huckabee, "Commonwealth," CA interview, January 2008
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
Cinderella Man,
Monday, February 11, 2008
1976 was the last GOP Brokered Convention - let's get it right this time!
Remember - 1976 was a brokered GOP convention (Ford & Reagan) - and the GOP picked the wrong guy!
I bet this year they learn from their experience & pick the RIGHT ONE: The Great Communicator & The One that can beat either Dem candidtate & the one who offers BOTH Executive Experience & Inspiration.
If the GOP had picked THAT ONE in 1976 the Country would have been spared ohhhh
soooooo much agony - including the Iran hostage crisis!
[BTW, can you picture Obama's reaction when the Joint Chiefs ask him for his answer about a new hostage crisis? Ha!]
Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
I bet this year they learn from their experience & pick the RIGHT ONE: The Great Communicator & The One that can beat either Dem candidtate & the one who offers BOTH Executive Experience & Inspiration.
If the GOP had picked THAT ONE in 1976 the Country would have been spared ohhhh
soooooo much agony - including the Iran hostage crisis!
[BTW, can you picture Obama's reaction when the Joint Chiefs ask him for his answer about a new hostage crisis? Ha!]
Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
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