Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why I chose Mike over the others (brief summary)

For some of you who know me, my support/endorsement of Mike Huckabee might surprise you. For others who know my passion that "basic American freedoms are not free" side, this might not surprise you.

2 Things to focus on in considering MIKE HUCKABEE:
1. FairTax - a concept that puts our tax system in line with our basic American entrepreneurial spirit - no tax on productivity, just on consumption.

2. Listen to his Detroit Economic Club Speech - it embodies everything I believe.

As to the other candidates & why I didn't choose them, I'll probably be posting more to the I Like Mike Blog about that, but here's the basics:

1. Hillary - absolutely not an option - She believes only in power and will do anything to get it. Read Dick Morris' book (yes, he hates the Clintons but what I learned from a man who "broke bread" with her on a daily basis). And, I learned when I was very little (thanks to Great Parents) that equal means equal - and it also means blind - blind to sex, race and creed - which means I won't vote for anyone because they're a woman & vice versa!

2. Obama - aside from his lack of experience, there's his (& Hillary's) complete Socialist agenda. I could never vote to turn our free-commerce Republic into a Socialist economy.

[FYI I have heard enough Socialist medicine horror stories to know that as soon as you take free-market-competition out of healthcare that there will be no innovation & no quality. There are better health care alternatives than socialized medicine.]

[BTW, I believe that America is not the land of guaranteed bread & honey & healthcare & jobs. America is the land of guaranteed freedoms and equality that enable an individual to make his/her own choices by which he/she can provide him/herself with bread, honey, healthcare & jobs.]

3. Rudy - I like Rudy (so does my husband) and he's the one who took down our former employer (Drexel Burnham Lambert). But we voted for him for Mayor of NYC & we LOVED him as Mayor. He was fearless - with the Mob, with graft, with big biz, with small biz, with unions, etc. But, he doesn't have the FAIRTAX plan, and I think the rest of my reasons are really personality-based.

4. Fred - I like Fred's thinking - and it's really not that different from Rudy's (or Huckabee's for that matter, although Fred would like to make a bigger distinction). Look, if the Republicans nominated Fred, I'd absolutely vote for him in November (heck, if the Reps nominate anyone other than Ron Paul I'd absolutely vote for him in November). But, if I can have a choice between a good executive and a guy who speaks to my love for America & its core principles, and a guy who has put his muscle behind his campaign for the last year (rather than just showing up and getting a pulse now), and a guy who can speak in a common sense, down to earth, yet coherent and articulate and inspirational manner, I'll choose the latter.

5. Mitt - I like Mitt too. For about the last 1+ years I've been watching/listening to the BYU Channel on my DirectTV (channel 374), along with other inspirational channels & speakers. BYU is 1 of few places in this country that is not only committed to families but they put their $$ where their mouth is and have a tremendous amount of workshops, seminars, etc. - at least semi-annually @ BYU in huge conventions about the real agita & "how to" of parenting & building strong families. No one else does this anymore - not even the local YMCA. If you told your friends that you hold a "family night" once a week they'd think you were weird - and weirder still if you told them that on another night of the week you all got together and discussed your faith. Those are the sort of things I learn - and love - about what BYU & the Mormon community has to offer. (Of course, the Mormon Church has alot of other issues that remind me of why I shy away from "institutional religion" and prefer "spirituality.") Just because I like BYU doesn't mean I like Mitt - I just wanted to point out that it's not because of his faith that makes me not choose him. I do like Mitt because of his understanding of how biz works and what type of govt promotes & supports it, and I think he's a problem solver. AND I absolutely loved the speech that he gave about his faith - it too was historic and real. BUT I don't connect with him when he usually talks (except last Sat night when he was in the "zone") - he tries to hard, he's too stiff, I think he tries to be everything to everybody (like saying that each of the 10 mil illegal immigrant's situation would be reviewed one by one - utterly unrealistic), he too (along w/the other Rep candidates) does not promote the FAIRTAX, and given all of that, he doesn't inspire me - as either an awesomely successful biz person or an awesome leader.

6. John - I sort of like John. I'm amazed at what he's been able to do w/his life after his POW experience. I like his strategy/opinions on the war. But, he is the Republican I would least like to be nominated primarily because of his opposition to so much important fiscally conservative legislation that his party tried to accomplish. And, I'm not okay w/letting illegals stay here - even w/a fine. And, I guess I especially haven't forgiven him for that fillibuster crap. Now, I know that his heart is in trying to get the 2 parties to work together - but the Democratic party just refuses to sing "Kumbaya" right now - they are completely about wanting to "take out the Republicans at the knees." So, what's left in McCain's wake? A frustrated mess.

I'll be posting more specific reasons why I LIKE MIKE on future posts - SPECIFICALLY, I'll be disecting the Detroit Econ Club speech & applying it to my beliefs & the lives of my family & friends.

For now, just listen to his Detroit Economic Club speech (below) and learn about the possibility of living in an America that puts its $$$ where it's mouth is - NO TAX ON PRODUCTIVITY & INGENUITY!!! (i.e. THE FAIRTAX - find out more HERE on Mike Huckabee's Campaign site)


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

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