Wednesday, January 16, 2008

When is YOUR State Primary?

Find out here at:

Never voted in a Primary before? Neither have I - until this coming February 5, 2008when I will be registering with a party - the Republican Party - for the first time in my life - and I will be voting for Mike Huckabee (see why by reading posts below).

In NJ, as long as you're already registered to vote, and you're not already registered with a party, you can just show up on February 5th & register as a Republican (or with that other party) - and then VOTE in the Primary too!
More NJ FAQ Election Questions Answered Here @ NJ's Official Election Site.

Find out about your state HERE at Vote-Smart.

Why is this February 5th "Super Tuesday" Primary sooooo important - and "different than all other nights" I mean Primary in past Presidential election years - because the Republican field is soooo wide open this year.

Soooooo, if you would like to vote for someone in the Republican list of Candidates in November 2008, you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO VOTE for them on Super Tuesday, FEBRUARY 5TH, 2008 - or else, you'll be pulling the lever in November for your next-best-choice - and, who wants to do that???

Of course, I'm hoping you'll:

1. Watchthe Detroit Economic Club speech given by Mike Huckabee(see posts never the end of this page - 5 screens)

2. Read about the END OF TAX ON OUR PRODUCTIVITY AND INGENUITY - a.k.a. FairTax (see more about what I think about the FairTax below) - get details at Mike Huckabee's site HERE

3. Read about the rest of the issues @ Mike Huckabee's site HERE

4. Decide that Mike is the best candidate - even if he's not a clone of you & all of your beliefs/opinions - at least that he's the best of the pool - to lead our Great Country for the next 4 years

5. Decide to Vote on Super Tuesday February 5th in the Republican Primary (and, if you're not already a registered Republican, that you'll decide to Register, and then vote for Mike)

6. VOTE on Feb 5th


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

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