Friday, January 18, 2008

How Much More Money will YOU have with the Fair Tax Plan?

Under the Fair Tax Plan, taxes will be paid on what you buy, rather than what you make - or produce - thereby keeping the incentives of ingenuity and production that made this Country great (I wonder if Ben Franklin would have been as bold and adventuresome and inventive if he had all of the taxes and regulations.)

Even though there will be sales tax (because after all, the government does need to run - we still need roads, schools, defense, laws - we don't need BIG government, just a small government running well), the difference between what you pay now and what you'd pay then might just surprise you!

Want to know how much more money you'll have to:

1. Invest
2. Give
3. Live on
4. Spend with reckless abandon

Then go to's Fair Tax Calculator HERE.


Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book

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