Marianne Williamson has some wonderful spiritual writings, somewhat based on “A Course in Miracles,” and one of the ideas is that “you are either acting out of fear or love,” (which I completely believe). When you act out of fear, you’re operating from your weakness, and you lose. “Hell” is when you act out of fear, and thus you cause a “disconnect” from your Divine Source; “Heaven” is available to you on Earth when you do the opposite.
For a while now it’s been obvious to me that McCain is acting out of fear – and most recently, to an extreme. Everyone sees the irony in this, given that his proudest prong of his platform is military strength. The more that McCain allows the GOP to pressure the candidates & Americans into naming a nominee prior to the RNC, the more obvious it is that McCain is acting out of fear. The GOP is acting out of a similar fear.
What is McCain afraid of?
- He’s afraid he can’t beat the Dems without a head start.
- He’s afraid of looking bad @ the Convention.
- He’s afraid of struggling with limited time & resources for the remainder of the primaries.
- He’s afraid of losing in a debate.
- He’s afraid of struggling.
- He’s afraid of losing.
- He’s afraid he’ll have to leave the gentile election strategy and get vicious, thus making him “just like all the others” who ran a negative campaign.
- He’s afraid that 3 ½ more months of speaking with Americans face-to-face will push him over the edge.
- He’s afraid that 6 ½ more months of media coverage will catch him behaving badly.
- He’s afraid of losing in the first ballot after the remaining candidates give their speeches.
- He’s afraid his real answer to the tough questions about his failed Amnesty Plan, McCain-Feingold, and Gang of 14 won’t win over real Republicans.
- He’s afraid not enough people will like just him on his own 2 feet & he needs others to buttress him.
- He’s afraid he can’t speak to the issues without being able to “name-drop” and say that his is good at such-and-such, “just ask my friend, ____.”
- He’s afraid that he will lose if he stands on his own 2 feet.
And, you know what, he’s right! “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!”
There is no “unite the GOP” coming out of mainstream America. Mainstream America loves having a voice – that’s what created the now-GOP-MSM talk-radio. Mainstream America knows that Debate is a good thing. Mainstream America is strong enough to handle Competition.
Mike Huckabee is operating out of character, authenticity, and inner-strength rather than fear. Americans know this – so does the GOP, the Dem’s and the media. They have desperately cried out for it over and over in our political arena, but are shocked into paralysis and disbelief when confronted with its reality. To justify their own disbelief and fear, they point to labels that they say they don’t like (“evangelical”, because after all they are free of prejudice, except to those evangelicals – New Age-er’s, Marianne Williamson & “The Secret” are more socially accepted & embraced than those feared and hated “evangelicals.”), rather than forcing themselves to be inspired by – and embrace - this example of character and authenticity.
So, what is happening is that each individual American is experiencing an internal dialogue, possibly a struggle – whether to overcome their shock and awe at being presented with the long-awaited authentic, character-filled, great communicator candidate operating from strength, and embrace him, (the “Not Me” crowd) or whether to join the fear-filled others, (the “Me Too” crowd) the ones who are more famous, more “wise,” more “clout” people who chant “unite” to camouflage their real message of “act on your fear” and “disregard that man behind the curtain.”
As my sister often utters the New Age saying of, “What you resists, persists,” – and she’s RIGHT! The more the GOP persists on imposing McCain as the winner before the RNC, the more the reality of a better candidate, Huckabee will persist – THANK GOD!!!
My non-evangelical spirituality in politics thought for the day – in case any more pundits wanted to misrepresent Huckabee’s base as “evangelical” again.
Wishing Mike & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike
Saturday, February 16, 2008
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