Monday, February 11, 2008

1976 was the last GOP Brokered Convention - let's get it right this time!

Remember - 1976 was a brokered GOP convention (Ford & Reagan) - and the GOP picked the wrong guy!

I bet this year they learn from their experience & pick the RIGHT ONE: The Great Communicator & The One that can beat either Dem candidtate & the one who offers BOTH Executive Experience & Inspiration.

If the GOP had picked THAT ONE in 1976 the Country would have been spared ohhhh
soooooo much agony - including the Iran hostage crisis!

[BTW, can you picture Obama's reaction when the Joint Chiefs ask him for his answer about a new hostage crisis? Ha!]


Wishing the Next President of the United States Mike Huckabee & his supporters All the Best,
The Kids' Bank Book
I Like Mike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your Blog-have it on my "favorites"-you rock!!! As a Californian raised on the Reagan Team (my parents were one of the first families to urge him to run for governor!)I remember, more than some of the Johnny-Come-Latelies, how ridiculed our man was at the history repeats itself!!! Let's trust that Providence will be so kind that our kids will one day say--"hmph! He's sure no Huckabee or Reagan!"
Mary Lee Adamske,Esq.